Agenda item


Councillor Kitterick submits a report concerning a proposal under statutory provision for Columbine Road in Humberstone and Hamilton Ward. Cabinet is recommended to consider the report in the light of views of the Planning and Development Control Committee and action taken subsequently, and resolve whether or not to confirm the order.


A minute extract from the Planning and Development Control Committee meeting on 1 April 2008 is attached.


Councillor Kitterick submitted a report concerning a proposal for a Traffic Regulation Order, the effect of which would close Columbine Road in Humberstone Ward.


Councillor Willmott noted that this type of decision was usually taken by officers, but as there was a large amount of public interest it was being referred to the Cabinet. There was, he noted, a need to consider all technical aspects of the issue as well as the level of public opinion which included the question of public judgement.


Councillor Kitterick gave the meeting details of the background to the report. He noted that Columbine Road was a cul-de-sac before 2005 and that residents wouldn’t have known to query whether this would always be the case. A housing developer at the time went through the correct procedure to open the road up and this was put in place. A local land charges search to the Council, when a property in the area was purchased, wouldn’t have shown that the road was due to open up unless the question was specifically asked. He also noted that there was a balance of opinion in the local area as to whether the road should be kept open or be closed off.


He then detailed the reasons for keeping the road open, which included that there was a legal agreement in place. He then further detailed the reasons why the road should be closed and this included the views of some local Councillors and a Member of Parliament as well as local residents. He also noted that there had been no formal objections from any of the emergency services or bus companies at the proposal to close the road. The closure would create better facilities for pedestrians and cyclists. He noted that the Ward Councillor, Councillor Potter was opposed to closing the road, but consideration would be given to extending a taxi service to those unduly affected by the closure and to finding suitable alternative bus routes in the area. He therefore urged his Cabinet colleagues to support closure of the road.


A number of queries were raised by Cabinet Members. It was queried whether the road was originally designated as a through road or a cul-de-sac. Councillor Kitterick explained that originally two separate developers built up to the existing cycle track, but it had never been joined up once further houses had been built. There was however an agreement between the Council and a later developer in 2000 that would mean the road being linked up, but he wasn’t aware that this was widely advertised, if at all. It was expected by residents largely that there would be two cul-de-sacs abutting the cycle track.


A further query was raised with regard to the views of the emergency services and the bus operators, and whether there was an alternative route for them. Councillor Kitterick noted that officers were in discussion with bus operators for alternative routes. It was also proposed to extend an existing taxi service for people who needed it. There was no formal objection raised by the emergency services but it was noted that there were some slight concerns.


A query was raised with regard to the type of closure that would be installed. The Head of City Development noted that his would be bollards in the road to stop cars but cyclists and pedestrians would still have suitable access.



that the objections be overruled and that the Traffic Regulation Order be confirmed.

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