Agenda item


The Service Director, Planning and Policy submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.



Planning and Listed Building Consent applications 20081261 and 20081171

Internal and external alterations, demolition of extension


The Director said that the application was for alterations to the grade II listed building to allow it to continue as a fire station.  Inside the building one of the main features was the ceiling in the ballroom.  The intention was to remove the false ceiling and repair damage.  There was to be a number of meeting rooms created in the building, and accessibility improved.


The Panel welcomed the decision to retain the building within the Fire Service.  The changes were discussed and it was felt that the proposals will not detract from the original character of the building.  The Panel expressed their delight that the ballroom roof was to be opened up and restored and that the sprung ballroom floor would remain.  No objections were raised to the demolition of the later extension, as this was needed to make the station efficient for the 21 Century.  It was suggested that a photographic recording condition should be made and any replacement windows needed to match the existing design.


It was noted that the Wyvern on the roof was modelled by Morecombe.  The lattice work to the ballroom ceiling was also original and thought to be part of a heating system similar to that in Bishop Street Methodist Church.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Listed Building Consent 20081015

Retention of unauthorised internal alterations


The Director said that building work had been carried out at the premises without listed building consent.  A number of walls had been removed and doorways blocked without consent.  It was not known if a small staircase beyond one of these doorways had been damaged, as it was contained within a residential flat.  It was noted that the enforcement liability would remain with the original owner who undertook the work.


The Panel unanimously agreed that the unauthorised works had damaged the building and supported enforcement action against the owner.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.



Planning Application 20080728

Proposed change of use of upper floors to a hotel


The Director said that the application was for the change of use of the upper floors of the building to a hotel involving internal alterations.

The Panel had no objections to the change of use as little survives of the internal layout but the staircase and trusses should be retained.  It was noted that this is a fabulous building that would benefit from a clean up. 


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Listed Building Consent 20081103

Proposed internal and external alterations


The Director said that the application was for the garage door to be replaced with timber and that the staircase could not be repaired.  It was thought that the staircase was Victorian and not the same age as the building.  It was noted that English Heritage had not yet commented on the property.


The Panel expressed concern at the removal of the Victorian staircase and recommend that it should be saved and restored, where possible. It was felt that the entrance gates should be of a high quality, preferably an open wrought iron style to allow views through, which would be beneficial for the building and the conservation area. The Panel suggested a possible compromise would be to allow the staircase to be taken out if the PVC windows were also removed and replaced with timber.


It was suggested that the building was possibly once the home of Phillip Larkin who wrote a poem about Victoria Park.


The Panel recommended that amendments were sought on this application.


E)    157-159 GRANBY STREET

Planning Application 20081089

New development for 22 flats


The Director said that the application was for an eight storey red brick building with PVC windows.


The Panel expressed concern that the proposal was not in keeping with the area and the previous scheme had been preferable.  The increase in height was felt to be detrimental to the character of the conservation area. The Panel noted that there were usually conflicts with tall buildings behind listed buildings and the proposal would also adversely affect the setting of the YMCA.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.


F)     102-106 GRANBY STREET

Planning Application 20080993

Change of use, extension


The Director said that the application was for roof extension and change of use. 


The Panel noted that despite the cladding, the roofscape was still largely intact and in scale and character with adjacent buildings on that side of the road.  Unlike the opposite side of the road, roofs had remained intact without the intervention of taller new buildings.  It was agreed that the proposal would be detrimental to the character of the building and the conservation area. The Panel felt that in order to maintain the scale of the street scene the roof slope would need to be retained.  It was suggested that a reintroduction of gables could be used to convert the roof space. The Panel had no objections to the removal of the cladding or the change of use.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.



Planning Application 20080721

Satellite dish


The Director said that the application was for the installation of a satellite dish.  It was reported that when investigating this application two unauthorised satellite dishes were discovered. 


The Panel recommended that the application be refused.  They could not support any satellite dishes on display in that location and suggested that action be taken to remove the authorised dishes.  It was felt that an alternative position could be found at the rear of the property.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.



Planning Application 20081248

Alterations to shopfront


The Director said that the application was for alterations to incorporate wheelchair access to the building.


The Panel noted that the existing entrance was symmetrical and suggested that the plans could be altered to maintain symmetry. 


The Panel recommended that amendments were sought on this application.


I)        328 LONDON ROAD

Planning Application 20081012

Extension and ramp


The Director said that the application was for an extension to the side of the building and new disabled access ramp and terrace.

The Panel noted that this was one of the few high Victorian Gothic buildings in Leicester.  They queried the need for the raised terrace to the conservatory, although were mainly supportive of the proposals.  It was recommended that the materials were conditioned in the application to ensure a high quality finish.  It was emphasised that the need for a proper brick bond preferably to match the existing Flemish bond was important


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20081178

Change of use, external alterations


The Director said that the application was to create nine flats and inclusion of decorative balconies. 


The Panel expressed concern that the balcony was not appropriate for the building.  They queried the need for one bed flats and thought that three luxury flats would work better and reduce the need for car parking.   It was suggested that a small garden be placed in the front area with better landscaping.


The Panel recommended that amendments were sought on this application.



Planning Application 20080930

Three storey building


The Director said that the application was for a new three storey building just to the outside edge of the conservation area.


The Panel were concerned over the size of the building in the small site, however as it was set back from the road it was felt that it would not be detrimental to the character of the conservation area.  It was suggested that the proposed materials could look out of character against the red brick of the adjacent Victorian buildings, although the design proportions were satisfactory.  Concerns were raised regarding damage to the tree roots of the Oak Tree. 


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20080850

Change of use


The Director said that the application was for change of use to flats.  It was reported that the property was within the new proposed conservation area.  It was felt that the change of use to flats and changes to the building would be recommended for refusal if it were an existing conservation area.

The Panel noted that the house was part of a group of buildings and felt it contributed to the ‘Arts and Crafts’ feel of the street.  Concern was expressed that alternations to the front gable would not be acceptable, as it would be out of character to the house.  They recommended that the house be retained as a single dwelling rather than flats.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.


M)   50-52 LONDON ROAD

Planning Application 20081179

New fascia signs


The Director said that the application was for new fascia signs. 


The Panel agreed that the number of signs was excessive. It was suggested that a more modest sign would be appropriate and the panel referred to the new toned down McDonalds signage used in Conservation Areas.  It was recommended that a single fascia sign on the corner of the building with small projecting signs on Conduit Street and London Road elevations would be acceptable.  It was noted that although the canopies added character to the building their retention could not be enforced.


The Panel recommended that amendments were sought on this application.



Advertisement Consent 20080816

New fascia sign


The Director said that the application was for a new fascia sign.


The Panel thought that the sign should be externally lit with a trough light, not internally illuminated, and should fit smugly between the fascia brackets by relocating the alarm box.


The Panel recommended that amendments were sought on this application.



Planning Application 20080770



The Director said that the application was for the installation of a stairlift at the front of the property to allow for wheelchair access. 


The Panel agreed that the proposal was acceptable as the installation was  reversible.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Pre-app enquiry

Extensions to detached house


The Director said that the application was for extensions to the house and new boundary wall and railings which was a revised scheme to the one previously discussed by the Panel, reducing the impact on the front elevation and revising the boundary treatment.


The Panel expressed concern that the proposed pitched roof on the porch was not in keeping with the style of the house and that it should retain a horizontal emphasis.  It was felt that the new garage doors should be timber, rather than a roller shutter.  It was suggested that the front fencing be lowered to a metre in height and the gates be set back, which would alleviate any problems with sight line. 


The Panel recommended that amendments were sought on this application.

Supporting documents: