Agenda item


Adrian Russell, Environmental Services, will give a presentation on the Environmental Services work carried out in Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward, and invite suggestions for the 10,000 Trees Project.


Adrian Russell, gave a presentation on the work that Environmental Services had carried out in the ward between January and June 2008.  A newsletter was also available, which provided supporting information to the presentation.


Adrian explained that Environmental Services were responsible for a variety of different services, which included the following:


Waste and Recycling – Leicester City achieved a waste composting and recycling rate of 33% and 9% recovered for use as fuel in 2007/08.  It was noted that each household was entitled to have five bulky items collected for free and that missed bin collections in the City were at a 0.05% rate which equated to 1 in 2000.


In relation to garden clearing action could only be taken where neighbours were affected through the dumping of food waste or an accumulation of rubbish.  


In relation to problems of rubbish outside shops members of the public were encouraged to let Adrian know where problems occurred.


Street Cleaning – This service dealt with various issues including fly tipping, abandoned vehicles, discarded needles, and graffiti removal.  The ward was below average on these occurrences except in relation to graffiti removal where the level was higher which was partly due to recent work with Virgin Media cable boxes.


In relation to fly posting a member of the public asked why the Council could not ring the number on the poster and stop the delivery.  Adrian stated that legally it did not mean that they were responsible for placing the poster.  However the City Wardens that were soon to start would be able to remove any fly posters.


Pest Control Services –  Adrian stated that statistics showed that in the period between January and June 2008, the figures for the ward where broadly similar to the citywide average. 


Dog Control Orders – A range of new powers were being introduced. For example, dogs would be restricted from certain areas such as children’s play areas and fines could be levied against irresponsible owners for not cleaning up mess. 


Noisy Neighbours – Information was presented on the services provided by the Noise Control Team, who supply a call-out service until 2.00am seven days a week.


SmileSafe Scheme – This was where businesses selling food and drink were inspected and given a rating of their hygiene. 20 businesses had been checked in the ward, Adrian highlighted businesses that scored the best The Grey Ferrers Nursing Home, Priestly Road, Queensmead Community Primary School, Winstanly Drive, KFC, Narborough Road.


Licensing – The Licensing Team was responsible for the granting of alcohol and other licenses.  Following a recent survey investigations  were continuing into three businesses in the area which had sold alcohol to children. In addition new rules had recently been brought in to restrict food vans outside schools to prevent bad eating habits from developing.  Adrian explained that there was the provision for residents to bring premises to a hearing to review their alcohol license if there had been incidents breaching their license.


Building Control – Officers had been responsible for checking the safety of building projects. Officers had also undertaken a great deal of work checking buildings in the aftermath of the earth tremor in February.


10,000 Trees Project – Adrian provided details of this project that intended to plant 10,000 trees in the city over the next three years. Residents were requested to put their suggestions forward for locations for the trees.


The Chair thanked Adrian for his presentation.