Agenda item


Councillor Willmott submits a report that set out the changed approach to performance management and reporting to deliver One Leicester in eh context of the new national performance regime and the recently agreed Local Area Agreement 2008-2011. Cabinet is asked to note performance for the first quarter, note the future work that will be undertaken to improve performance reporting, and to consider the proposals to change the way performance management information is available, to make it responsive to the needs of a wide variety of stakeholders.


A copy of the appendices to the report is attached for Members of Cabinet only. These cab be viewed on the City Council’s website at:      Ver=4

Or by visiting the Customer Services Centre, B Block, New Walk Centre, or by contacting Committee Services on 0116 229 8816.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report that set out the changed approach to performance management and reporting to deliver One Leicester in the context of the new national performance regime and the recently agreed Local Area Agreement 2008-2011.


Councillor Willmott stated that the report indicated a leap forward in how performance was to be managed, and that a new approach had been taken in that there was a strong line of accountability, due to Local Area Agreement targets being allocated to individual Cabinet Leads for the first time. He also stated that the report showed that Cabinet was committed to managing the day-to-day business of the Council, as well as delivering one-off projects.



                        That Cabinet


1)     Notes performance for the first quarter  (sections 5 and 6 of the report and appendices 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6);


2)     Notes the future work that will be undertaken to improve performance reporting;


3)     Considers the proposals to change the way performance management information is available, to make it responsive to the needs of a wide variety of stakeholders.

Supporting documents: