Agenda item


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer will give an update on the ward priorities identified at the last meeting. The Community Meeting to develop actions from the priorities.


Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, gave details of the consultation process undertaken in relation to developing the ward priorities for the area. Further, it was confirmed that as well as those present at the earlier Community Meeting, other community groups/organisations had been consulted as part of the process. The possibility of utilising the results of the recent IPSOS MORI residents survey undertaken in Leicester was also suggested. 


Steve Letten further explained the scoring and ranking process that had been undertaken in relation to the ward priorities and suggested that the emphasis at the meeting could focus on the development of ward priorities relating specifically to the Rowley Fields area, given the location of the Community Meeting and large proportion of residents from the Rowley Fields area in attendance at the meeting.


After circulating a draft Action Plan outline, residents were asked for their opinions in relation to the priorities for the area.


Councillor Cooke and Councillor Glover discussed the following matters with residents at the meeting:

  • Older Persons Transport and the problematic location of drop off points in and around the City Centre
  • The draft Strategy for Older People
  • Local Community facilities and availability of activities for local residents
  • Illegal use of Mini-Moto bikes by the young people of Rowley Fields


Councillor Cooke confirmed to residents that discussions were due to take place with transport officials in relation to the issue of public transport both in to and across the City Centre, and also that Adrian Russell, Environmental Services, had agreed to engage residents on a patch walk of the area to identify current issues.


In light of concerns raised by residents about the illegal use of Mini-Moto bikes in the area, a Police Officer from the Local Policing Unit confirmed that they have taken action and seized a large number of bikes being used illegally. Residents were urged to continue to report further incidences of illegal use.


Councillors and residents agreed the following action plan priority areas for Rowley Fields:

  • Traffic/Parking
  • Lack of Community facilities
  • Environmental Issues
  • Lack of Youth activities
  • Lack of Children’s activities
  • Lack of Older People’s activities
  • Mini motos

Councillors and residents also agreed that the following items be added to the action plan being developed:



Priority Area

Officer Identified


Environmental Services Patch Walk

Environmental Issues

Steve Letten / Adrian Russell

Early 2009.

Traffic Survey of Rowley Fields hot spots.

Traffic/Parking Issues

Steve Letten, Members Support Officer

No exact date specified, but suggested to commence in 2009.


Work to promote/advertise the local community facilities available and in particular activities for Older People.

Lack of Community facilities (and) lack of activities for Older People

Steve Letten, Members Support Officer

Not determined.

Pursue the use of other community facilities on a casual basis.

Lack of Community facilities

Steve Letten, Members Support Officer

Not determined.

Arrange a tour for residents to the community facilities identified as part of the above review.

Lack of Community facilities

Steve Letten, Members Support Officer

Not determined.


After discussions with residents the following issue, not directly related to the ward action plan priorities, was raised for action:



Officer Identified


Enquiry made relating to the graffiti on the Leicester City Council vehicle (No 5708) – follow up with Cllr. Naylor.

Steve Letten, Members Support Officer

Not determined.