Agenda item


Councillors will provide an update on the plans for Community Meetings in 2009/2010, and will also consider how to make improvements to future Community Meetings in the ward.


Councillor Naylor, having declared a personal and prejudicial interest, left the meeting during the consideration of this item and did not take part.


Councillor Cooke explained that as the meeting was inqourate, due to the absence of Councillors Naylor and Councillor Glover, that proper consideration of whether to recommend approval for the various funding applications was unable to be taken at the meeting. It was also confirmed that the views of the residents would be considered and referred to the Cabinet Member prior to the final decision on the application for funding.  Councillor Cooke explained the following funding applications to the meeting and requested feedback on the proposals.


Mini Moto Academy – Appendix B1


Residents supported the application in general, but did request assurances that there would be no noise nuisance generated by the scheme should it be approved.


Braunstone Community Art Exhibition – Appendix B2


Residents were supportive of the funding application.


Braunstone Community Carnival – Appendix B3


Residents were supportive of the funding application.


Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Community Event – Appendix B4


Residents were supportive of the funding application.


Improving the Environment – Appendix B5


Residents were supportive of the funding application. Representatives from the Local Policing Unit indicated to the meeting that they had received a number of requests from residents for more dog fouling bins. Steve Letten, Members Support Officer, confirmed that the feasibility of the provision of additional dog fouling bins in the area would be investigated further. Councillor Cooke confirmed that the provision of additional bins could be included, subject to the investigation by Steve Letten.


Ward Transport – Appendix B6


Residents were supportive of the application.


Promoting the Ward Meetings – Appendix B7


Residents were supportive of the application.

Supporting documents: