Agenda item


The Service Director, Planning and Policy submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.



Planning Application 20090459

Change of use, extensions and alterations


The Director said that the application was for the conversion of the basement from a shop to a demonstration kitchen theatre and the third floor from shops to restaurant. The proposal involved alterations and extensions to the building.


The Panel noted that the nature of the building was always one of small shop units.  They were of the view that removing all the small units to create continuous spaces on each floor would therefore be detrimental to the character of the building. They commented that they would accept some opening up, but would like some small units to survive. The Panel queried could the opening up be achieved by putting openings into the existing walls rather than total removal.


The Panel commented that the new proposed staircase in the centre of the arcade would be detrimental and spoil the view through. It was noted that there will be several other new access points to the upper floors and therefore the Panel questioned the need for the staircase. As a last resort some Panel members thought that a glazed, clean and simple stair might be acceptable as a trade off to retain other features. 


Overall the Panel was sympathetic to the developer trying to bring the building into use but not with the level of alterations currently proposed. It was suggested that some changes could be allowed now, and if a tenant could not be found then some of the other works could be revisited in the future.


The Panel recommended seeking amendments to this application.



Planning Application 20090327

Change of use to hotel and extension


The Director said that the application was for the conversion of the building to a hotel. The works included a three storey extension to the roof at the rear.


The Panel noted that the idiosyncratic charm of this part of Leicester was the differences in building heights. In this case the Secular Hall, adjacent pub and the factory behind created an interesting group and if the proposal was carried out this would be affected. The Panel though it was difficult to assess the impact without a photo-montage, but from the drawings submitted, the extension would dwarf the Secular Hall to the detriment of its setting and did not preserve or enhance the character of the conservation area.  The Panel was not convinced on the merits of the scheme.


The Panel agreed that further information was required on this application.


C)  157 – 159 GRANBY STREET

Planning Application 20090314

Change of use, extension


It was noted that the Panel had made observations on this site for the conversion of the upper floors of the pub to residential and rear extension at two previous meetings. The Director said that this was a revised scheme.


The Panel commented that this was the former Victoria Hotel designed by James Bird in c.1875 . The Panel were satisfied with the work to the rear as it was noted that the rears were in a rundown state. However there was some concern that the extra height would have a detrimental effect on the outlook of the adjacent YMCA, particularly the new deck extension to that building.


The Panel commented that the dormers to the front would be accepted if they would not be visible, but stated that the proposed ground floor shop front would contrast badly with the rest of the building. They commented that the new shop front should reflect the scale and proportions of the high quality upper floors.


It was also noted that the interior has some fine features including a decorative frieze and the Panel asked that these be preserved.


The Panel recommended seeking amendments to this application.



Planning Applications 20090506 Listed Building Consent 20090507

New doorway at rear, 1.25m high fence & gates


The Director said that the application was for a new 1.25 metre high iron fence with gates to match those already on site and the formation of a new doorway to the rear of the vicarage.


The Panel raised no objections to the new fencing and the door to the rear, but agreed that the recent repointing was unsightly.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Applications 20090258/0287 & 0259 and Listed Building Consent 20090259, 20090286

Change of use, internal and external alterations


The Director said that the applications were for change of use to A1 (retail), A2 (financial services), A3 (restaurant) or A4 (public house) and B1 (office suites) with associated internal and external alterations to remove the bank fittings and ATM machines.


The Panel had no objections to the proposals as no historic features would be affected. They agreed the change of use in principle providing the new use was acceptable in policy terms. They raised concern that there was a danger that granting consent for new uses without any details would be potentially damaging.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20090514

New house & extension to existing house


The Director said that the application was for a new house and extension to the existing house.


The Panel had no concerns with the work to the existing house although commented that the design of the existing windows should be improved upon. The Panel had no objection to a modern house in the location, although stated that it was quite a crammed site with no real space provided between the properties.  The Panel commented that the new build looked like a throw back to the 1970s and needed to be of better quality and bolder.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.



Planning Application 20090438

Porch, external alterations


The Director said that the application was for external alterations to the pub including a new porch to the rear and new entrance doors on the front elevation to replace an existing window and door.


The Panel thought that the current door and window were nice features and added to the character of the building. They commented that the new door did not improve on this and opposed this. The Panel raised no objection to the new porch or windows.


The Panel recommended seeking amendments to this application.



Planning Application 20090359

Access ramp


The Director said that the application was for the reworking of the existing access ramp to provide new steps and a new access ramp to the front of the building.


The Panel raised no objection to the proposals.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20090390

Bell mounting frame


The Director said that the application was for a bell mounting frame for eight bells to the roof of the priory.


The Panel raised no objection to the proposals.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 200990485P

External alterations


The Director said that the application was a pre-application enquiry for alterations to the external appearance of the building. The proposal included a canopy to the front elevation. It was noted that the Panel made observations on the conversion of the factory to flats in 2004.


The Panel had mixed feelings regarding the canopy. They agreed that something to define the entrance would be acceptable but the current proposals perhaps too large. They did not like the banner signs and were unclear about the 'yellow' element on the upper end elevation.


The Panel recommended seeking amendments to this application and agreed that further information was required.



Planning Application 20090422

Change of use to hot food takeaway


The Director said that the application was for the change of use of the existing shop to a hot food takeaway. No external alterations were shown.


The Panel felt that they could not comment until they knew more details about potential external alterations e.g. signage, flue details etc. Concerns were also raised about the increased litter and number of takeaways already in the area.


The Panel agreed that further information was required.



Planning Application 20090497

External terrace to third floor


It was noted that the Panel made observations on the conversion of South Lodge and the redevelopment of the site for a care home in 2007(0519). The Panel were informed that the work was now well underway and the Director said that the application was for a new external terrace to the third floor of the new build.



The Panel thought that the proposals could be seen from London Road but agreed that the terrace was well set back, and mostly hidden by trees.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20090252

New canopy


The Director said that the application was for a retractable canopy to the front elevation. It was noted that the proposal was reported to the Panel earlier this year and they requested further details, which are now available.


The Panel raised no objections to the design of the proposed canopy.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20090498

Change of use from school to four flats


The Director said that the application was for the change of use of the school to four cluster flats (3 six bed and 1 seven bed). The proposal involved a rear roof extension.


The Panel raised no objections to the change of use, or the extension.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20090384, Listed Building Consent 20090413

Internal & external alterations


The Director said that the applications were for internal and external alterations to the building including solar panels to the rear roof slope.


The Panel were supportive of the proposed internal alterations as the interior had already been extensively altered. They had reservations about the loss of the fine window to the rear elevation and commented that they needed further information on the proposed decking. They commented that the solar panels were acceptable provided that they were reversible and sit on top of the existing slates.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.



Planning Application 20090363

Change of use


The Director said that the applications was for the change of use of two ground floor flats apartments to retail, financial and professional services. The proposal involved alterations to the front of the building.


The Panel had no objections to the change of use but commented that the canopy sign should be reduced to match the size of the openings.


The Panel recommended seeking amendments to this application.


The Panel raised no observations on the following applications, they were therefore not formally considered.



Planning Application 20090343

Car park, service area



Planning Application 20090371

Change of use

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