Agenda item


The Director, Planning and Policy submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.


A)                215-219 EVINGTON LANE

            Planning Application 20090668 & Conservation Area Consent             20090697

            Demolition and Redevelopment


            The Director said that the applications were for the demolition of two Edwardian houses and the redevelopment of the site with five new houses.  The Panel has made comments on the principle of two additional houses on the site several times and more recently a block of flats.


            The Panel noted that these two fine examples of Edwardian domestic architecture set in large attractive gardens were a gateway into the village. They were seen as important not only because of their visual interest but also because they illustrated the early 20th century expansion of the village demonstrating the social aspirations of the time. It was of the view that they were visually interesting not only from the front but also the sides and even the rear where they can be enjoyed whilst walking along the rear footpath. The Panel felt that they possessed all the attributes typical of houses of this era i.e. tall chimneys brick and render, steep gabled roofs and projecting bays. The motor house at no. 215 was also seen as very attractive and a fine example of the period. The Panel was unanimous that the existing houses made a positive contribution to the character of the conservation area and should be retained.


            The Panel considered the current proposal to be over-development and that the style of the proposed houses was out of character with this part of the conservation area. Overall the proposal was thought not to either preserve or enhance the character of the conservation area and therefore should be refused. 


            The Panel recommended refusal for this application.


B)                22 KNIGHTON PARK ROAD

            Planning Application 20090658

            Residential Development


The Director said that the application was for the redevelopment of the site with a three-storey block of ten apartments and a three storey block of four town houses.  A similar scheme was considered and supported by the Panel last year but refused by the Planning and Development Control Committee.


The Panel noted that as the scheme was outside of the conservation area and not dissimilar to the previous one it would be difficult to oppose. However they did consider that from a design point of view the previous scheme had more merit & if the overlooking problem could be rectified but retain the interest of the previous scheme that would be preferable.

The Panel requested amendments for this application.


C)                10 CHEAPSIDE

      Planning Application 20090688 & Listed Building Consent       20090643 Advertisement Consent 20081790

Change of use and alterations


The Director said that the application was for the change of use of the building to a hot food takeaway.  The proposal involved new signage and internal alterations. 


The Panel noted the importance of this extremely fine building originally part of the Angel Inn. It was also noted that the timbered section dated from the16th century at least but possibly earlier. They expressed caution that no part of the medieval section should be altered.  The Panel thought that the scheme was acceptable, providing that the work was confined to those areas that have been altered. They were concerned about the extent of internal illumination for the fascia sign and this should preferably be confined to the lettering and logo.


The Panel recommended approval for this application.


D)                CHURCH ROAD EVINGTON

      Planning Application 20090514

      New house & extension to existing house.


The Director said that the application was for a new house and extension to the existing house.  The Panel raised concerns regarding the design of the new house in May and this was a revised scheme for the new dwelling, an additional access and new parking layout. 


The Panel noted that whilst the design of the new build had improved the footprint hasn’t altered and that there was still a strange juxtaposition with the adjacent properties.  They considered the first scheme to be the better of the two as it was cleaner if a little retro. Panel Members felt that there was a need to look at reducing the footprint and reduce it as it was too big for the site. 


The Panel requested amendments for this application.


E)                29/31 BOWLING GREEN STREET

      Planning Application 20090596

      Replacement windows


      The Director said the application was for the replacement of all the windows in double-glazing.  The rear would have new uPVC windows and the front would have a combination of powder coated aluminium and hardwood. 


The Panel thought that it was important to keep the original windows, especially the bays. They also requested well-proportioned timber windows on the upper floor. 


            The Panel requested amendments for this application.


F)        14 JUBILLEE ROAD

Planning Application 20090653

Conversion to flats


The Director said that the application was for the conversion of the factory building to 10 self contained flats, five units for professional services and one retail unit.  The proposal involved a roof extension.  It was pointed out that the panel made observations on a similar scheme last year.


The Panel noted that although the scheme had improved slightly on previous schemes it was felt that it would still destroy the character of the building and in particular the dramatic silhouette of the gables against the sky. They reiterated previous comments that an extension on the flat roof section would be acceptable but felt that any extension on the main pitched roof could never successfully maintain the character of the roof-scape which is the most important part of the buildings character.


The Panel recommended refusal for this application.



            Planning Application 20090473

            New Walls and Railings


            The Director said that this application was for the replacement of an             existing wall with a new wall and railings.


The Panel noted that this was a Victorian street with walls and they thought that a dwarf wall and railing would be out of character with the street scene.


The Panel recommended refusal for this application.




            Planning Application 20090729

            New Wall


            The Panel felt the existing wall creates a certain mystery along this section of the walk. The new wall and railings proposed will expose Fenwicks’ vehicles.  They would like a wall articulated like the previous one with decent coping- something that was contemporary with when New Walk was laid down. 


            The Panel recommended refusal for this application.


            The Panel made no observations on the following:



Planning Application 2009 & Listed Building Consent 2009



I)          93 LONDON ROAD

            Planning Application 20090584

            Single storey extension to rear


J)         48 RATCLIFFE ROAD

            Planning Application 20090529

            New windows


K)        9-11 EAST BOND STREET

            Planning Application 20090426

            Change of use to hot food takeaway


L)              SPINNEY HILL PARK

            Planning Application 20090342

            Extension to shed


M)        25-25A NEW WALK

            Planning Application 20090452 & Listed Building Consent 20090405

            Change of use and alterations


N)        13 GORDON AVENUE

            Planning Application 20090586

            Replacement rear windows



            Planning Application 20090730

            New door


Supporting documents: