Agenda item




The Deputy Leader (in the Leader’s absence) has agreed to consider the above item on the grounds of urgency under Cabinet Procedure Rule 7d as there is a requirement for the City Council to act to secure continuity of provision for City learners this Autumn term as a result of impending changes in national policy with respect to the Learning and Skills Council"


The report for Cabinet and a minute extract from the meeting of the Children & Young People’s Scrutiny Committee, held on 18 August 2009, will be circulated as soon as they are available.




The Leader agreed to accept the following item of urgent business under Cabinet Procedure Rule 7d as there was a requirement for the City Council to act to secure continuity of provision for City learners this Autumn term as a result of impending changes in national policy with respect to the Learning and Skills Council.


Councillor Dempster submitted a report that sought to inform Cabinet of urgent 14-19 education procurement issues and to secure Cabinet approval to enter into funding agreements for the provision of Cohort 6 of the Young Apprenticeships Scheme and to enter into a contract covering the City and County for the provision of Education Business Partnership Services.


Members heard that the report had been to the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Committee on 18 August 2009, and some amendments to the report had been made. Councillor Dempster added that the new contracts were being finalised but would not be agreed before ensuring that the Council’s interests were protected.



                        that Cabinet:


1)      notes the new responsibilities and expectations being placed upon the Council in respect of 14-19 Education, and early contracting arrangements in particular;


2)      approves the proposals to enter into Funding Agreements with providers for the provision of Cohort 6 of the Young Apprenticeships Scheme within the City;


3)     approves the proposals to enter into contracts with Leicestershire County Council and with a provider covering the City and County for the provision of Education Business Partnership Services;


4)     approves the additions to the Corporate Procurement Plan as set out in the appendix to this report; and


5)     confirms delegated authority to the Divisional Director for Learning Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Member for Children and Schools, to instruct the Director of Legal Services to enter into the necessary contracts, once detailed issues have been resolved.





The Leader agreed to accept the following item of urgent business under Cabinet Procedure Rule 7d to enable the service to start moving forward and deliver the aims and objectives, should it be agreed, prior to any future inspection.


Councillor Patel submitted a report that advised Members of the Audit Commission’s inspection of the Benefits service, and sought approval to a radical improvement plan designed to quickly transform the experience of customers of the service.


It was noted that the Performance and Value for Money Select Committee (PVFM) had agreed that urgent action was required and Cabinet supported the Committee’s proposal that the service be continually compared with the best authorities in the country. Councillor Patel asked Cabinet to approve an additional recommendation, namely that quarterly monitoring reports should be submitted to Cabinet and PVFM.


Councillor Willmott thanked Councillor Patel and officers for devising the recovery plan, noting that achievement of the challenging targets would put the Council in the top quartile of local authorities and deliver a significant improvement in the quality of service and quality of life for its users.



                        that Cabinet:


1)     notes the judgements of, and recommendations made by, the Audit Commission (Appendices A and B of the report);


2)     approves the action plan to address the key areas for improvement (Appendix C);


3)     approves the following increases in the budget of the Revenues and Benefits section to enable the plan to be delivered:


Ø      2009/10 - £200,000;

Ø      2010/11 - £450,000;

Ø      subsequent years - £350,000 per annum;


4)     notes that the sums will be found from a reduction in the money provided in the budget for the 2009/10 pay award, as described in the financial implications to this report;


5)     notes that the budget increases will be reviewed in 18 months time, to determine whether or not the improvements are self-sustaining, such that the additional budget is no longer required;


6)     notes that detailed responses to all the Audit Commission recommendations have been included in the Benefits Service’s normal business plan;


7)     notes that some recommendations, described below, of the Audit Commission are not being pursued;


8)     designates the Cabinet Lead for Finance as the Cabinet Champion for the benefits’ service;


9)     notes the current performance of the service, as described at Appendix D; and


10)agrees that a quarterly monitoring report be submitted to Cabinet and the Performance & Value for Money Select Committee.

Supporting documents: