Agenda item


Councillor Dempster submits a report that informs Members of the outcome of the recent consultation, issues raised, and seeks a decision on the proposed closure of Riverside Business and Enterprise College. Cabinet is asked to approve the recommendations as set out in Paragraph 3 of the report.


A minute extract from the meeting of the Children & Young People’s Scrutiny Committee, held on 23 September 2009, will be circulated as soon as it is available.


Councillor Dempster submitted a report, which informed Members of the outcome of the recent consultation and issues raised on the proposed move to close Riverside Business and Enterprise College.


Councillor Dempster explained how the consultation had taken place and that a strict legal process had been followed. She drew Members’ attention to an amended report, which contained amended recommendations and an additional appendix outlining an alternative option for a programme of closure.


Allan Dunsmore, the Headteacher of Riverside Business and Enterprise College, was then invited to present the views of Riverside’s governing body, which had met on 24 September 2009.  Mr Dunsmore referred Members to the Appendices that were attached to the amended report and explained that Option 2, as detailed in Appendix H, to close the school on 31 August 2011, was their preferred option if the proposal to close the school was confirmed.  The governing body felt that Option 2 would be the better option for their pupils. They felt that it would be difficult to maintain staffing levels and subject options and therefore it would not be possible to sustain a continuous improvement in standards if the school remained open until 2012.


Councillor Coley expressed his support for Option 2 if the school was to close. He also stated that he felt that a poor response to the consultation may have been a result of parents feeling that it would not make a difference to the decision. He agreed that the school was not sustainable in its current form, and suggested that Ellesmere College could be co-located at the site. He also suggested that more investment could be made to ascertain whether an improvement in results could be sustained. He pointed out there had been several school closures in West Leicester.


Councillor Willmott stated that Cabinet Members wanted to take into account the views of the governing body and thanked Mr Dunsmore for coming to present these views to Cabinet.  In response to Councillor Coley’s comments, he stated that a strict process for consultation had been followed. Any other model for proposals for the site or relocation of Ellesmere College was a different issue, and could be considered following a decision on whether Riverside was to close. He also noted that the Ward Councillors supported the proposal to bring forward the closure if the final decision was made. This did not mean that they supported the principle of closure.


Councillor Dempster, seconded by Councillor Willmott moved that the amendment to the recommendations in the report be agreed, in that option two should be approved.


Cabinet accepted the recommendation to close the school. They also expressed a clear preference for Option 2, for the proposed school closure in August 2011.



                        that Cabinet:


1)     notes the outcome of the recent consultation and officers’ response to issues raised; and


2)     agrees to move forward proposals to close Riverside Business and Enterprise College and authorises the publication of the Statutory Notice and Detailed Proposal based upon their preferred option at 9.7 and Appendix E to the amended report.


3)     agrees to seek to protect the interests of current Riverside pupils who may be displaced by ceasing all further admissions to all 2009/10 year groups at Riverside with immediate effect until 14 December 2009 (or date of final Cabinet decision upon closure) to avoid prejudicing potential outcomes for those currently at the School. The moratorium will of course be lifted on 15 December 2009 or other date should Cabinet decide at this point not to close the School.


4)     endorses the exercise by the Director of Children’s Services of powers conferred upon her under the Admissions Code 2009 to offer places of September 2010 for displaced pupils at Riverside Business and Enterprise College at any maintained community secondary school within the city.


5)     agrees to receive a fresh report on responses following the publication of the Statutory Notice and Detailed Proposal and representations made during the formal representation period. This report to be received on 14 December 2009.

Supporting documents: