Agenda item


Officers will be present to discuss the Highways and Transportation Area

Action Plan.





Jeff Miller, Director Regeneration, Highways & Transportation was present to answer any Highways and Transport related queries.


The following issues were discussed:


  • Traffic calming on Winstanley Drive - Jeff reported that the Traffic Impact Team would be carrying out a survey of the area and feedback would be brought to the next Community Meeting. This would help problems to be identified. 
  • Safety scheme on Hallam Crescent – Jeff reported that the design of the scheme had changed following consultation with residents and Ward Councillors however work had now gone ahead with the scheme.
  • Parking problems – Jeff reported that similar problems had been reported at other Community Meetings as well.
  • Verge Hardening – Jeff reported that £10,000 had been marked from the local environmental works budget for work to be carried out. however £45,000 was required for work to be carried out on Braunstone Lane and the Braunstone Lane East bridge. Jeff added that the Ward Councillors had requested the figures be looked at again and it be attempted to reduce the amount that was required. A resident stated a lower amount required for the work had been previously quoted. Concern was raised that every time it rained, water went all the way on the path. She commented that the main areas of concern were 341-348 Braunstone Lane.
  • Grit Bins in the Braunstone Lane area. Jeff stated that half of Braunstone Lane fell in the County Council area and he had passed the request on for more grit bins to County Council colleagues. With regards to the area which fell under the City Council, Jeff commented that it would be looked at providing two to three bins for the area.
  • Poor condition of pavements for buggy users – Jeff stated that all future schemes would make sure pavements were adequate for everyone.
  • Damaged to pavements by utility companies – Jeff stated that utility companies had been told that if there were problems caused by them they would be brought back to fix them.
  • Flooding in the car park at Braunstone Leisure Centre – Councillor Naylor stated that there was a problem with the drainage in the car park at the Leisure Centre. Jeff agreed to investigate the problem and report to the next meeting.
  • Parking – Jeff stated that the City Council could enforce illegal parking on double yellow lines and the Police carried out enforcement of obstructive parking. He added that any reports of parking problems were welcomed from Community Meetings.
  • Issue with parking outside 157 Hallam Crescent East. Jeff stated that the issue would be picked up with the concerned resident.
  • Residents raised concern that double yellow lines had been painted on Waltham Avenue and New Fields Avenue and subsequently all residents had been forced to park on the pavements as a result. Jeff stated that City Council officers should have consulted Ward Councillors prior to putting the double yellow lines on however they may have been inserted for safety reasons. Members stated that they had spoken to Officers and had been told the restriction on parking would be lifted during the Christmas period. Jeff stated that for all future consultation schemes, it would be made certain that appropriate consultations have taken place.
  • Concern was raised that dropped kerbs in the ward were not flat enough.
  • Concern was raised about the road surfaces on Imperial Avenue and Fosse Road. Jeff stated that it was possible for emergency maintenance to be carried out if holes in road surfaces were 4cm deep. He added that if there were problems then maintenance would be planned however he commented that he wasn’t sure if anything was planned for Fosse Road and agreed to check. Concern was raised that the worst area was between Imperial Avenue and Winchester Avenue.
  • A resident queried whether it was possible to name paths on Hockley Farm Road. Jeff stated that it needed to be found out if they were part of the highway, if they were then they could be named. The process was that officers came up with names, and then it was discussed with the Ward Councillors followed by the Cabinet Lead.
  • Concern was raised about the new Rowley Fields bus route. Councillor Cooke explained that a public meeting to discuss the matter would be arranged in the new year,
  •  A resident raised concern at the loose lighting on Narborough Road. Jeff stated that normally highways inspectors carried out checks on the lighting. He added that the Rapid Response team would be able to deal with the problem. It was agreed to pass on the exact location of the problem to Jeff.
  • Concern was raised at the flooding on Imperial Avenue and Winchester Avenue as the water rose up towards the houses. Jeff stated that the area was known to be a ‘black spot’. The drains and gullies in the area had been checked and a range of options were currently being explored.  A grant had been received from Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to tackle flooding in the city.



Officer/Councillor Identified


Results from the Traffic Impact Survey on Winstanley Drive be brought to the next meeting.

Jeff Miller, Director Regeneration, Highways & Transportation 

The next meeting.

Look into reducing the amount required for Verge Hardening on Braunstone Lane and Braunstone Lane East Bridge.

Jeff Miller, Director Regeneration, Highways & Transportation 

The next meeting.

Look into providing Grit Bins in the area.

Jeff Miller, Director Regeneration, Highways & Transportation 

The next meeting.

Look into the drainage at Braunstone Leisure Centre.

Jeff Miller, Director Regeneration, Highways & Transportation 

The next meeting.

Check if road surfacing works planned for Fosse Road.

Jeff Miller, Director Regeneration, Highways & Transportation 

The next meeting.