Agenda item


Kathy Bourassa, Housing Development Officer, will give an update on significant planning applications in the ward, including proposals for the Velodrome site and other housing developments.


Kathy Bourassa, Housing Development Officer, gave an update on current and upcoming housing schemes in the ward. Specific schemes were reported and discussed as follows:


Heather Road

Planning permission had been granted for family homes and work was to start on site in March. Concern was raised about how the planning process had been carried out, and Councillor Keeling received a letter addressed to the Council’s Standards Committee. Councillor Shelton offered to answer any specific queries, as he was Vice-Chair of the Planning & Development Control Committee. Issues of traffic/loss of parking area were raised, and Kathy agreed to report these concerns.


Knighton Lane East

There were proposals for 6 one-bed self contained units for people with learning disabilities on the former scout hut site. Work would start in March, subject to planning permission being granted and land disposal being agreed. Kathy explained that there was a great need for homes for people with learning disabilities, as their needs had to be addressed more appropriately.


Knighton Fields Road West

Planning permission had been granted for 10 one-bed units for people with learning disabilities. Residents raised concerns that they weren’t consulted about the type of build, and they were informed that there had been opportunity to raise views as part of the planning process.


Saffron Depot

A bid for funding had been submitted to the Homes and Communities Agency (HCA), but this had been unsuccessful. Future proposals would be reported to the meeting.


Whittier Road

It was proposed that affordable housing be built on part of the site prior to marketing the rest of the land. Kathy explained that an extension to the deadline for starting work had been granted by HCA, so that the scheme could meet the needs of all involved. Further proposals would be brought to the Community Meeting. It would also go through the full planning process so people could have a say. A representative of Aylestone Allotments & Leisure Gardens Society asked that they be involved in any proposals, as they wished to help get the development right. Councillor Shelton stated that he had been assured that the development would not affect the allotments. Concerns about access could be addressed at the Planning Committee stage.


Saffron Lane Velodrome

Neil Evans, Strategic Asset Management, Michelle Walker, Leicester Housing Association and Matthew Branton, Franklin Ellis Architects, explained proposals for the site. It was proposed that one third of the site be developed for affordable housing, and the rest sold when the market improved. It was reported that planning permission would be needed, so residents’ feedback was welcomed before more specific plans were produced. The meeting discussed the siting of all affordable housing in one area, but it was noted that this was necessary in order to bring forward development of affordable homes during the current recession/economic downturn as developers were showing little interest in acquiring land for speculative development at the present time.  It was also noted that development of 30% affordable housing would not only contribute to meeting current housing needs within the City but would also provide local employment and training opportunities. They also discussed affordable housing schemes, such as social renting, shared ownership and Try Before You Buy. Further comments on issues such as school places, build quality, the need for adaptable or social care housing and room size were noted. The meeting was informed that the proposals were also to be presented at a public meeting that night at Aylestone Leisure Centre.


Concern was raised about accessibility to the Saffron Neighbourhood Housing Office, at which the proposals had previously been publicised. It was reported that disabled facilities were available on request.