Agenda item



Manor House Neighbourhood Centre


Residents raised concern at the closure of Manor House Neighbourhood Centre. Particular concern was raised that residents were not told of the closure and there had been no consultation. Residents felt that the Rowley Fields community were not included into the City Council’s Equal Opportunities Policy. They requested that residents be kept informed of all decisions relating to Manor House in the future. Further concern was raised that Manor House was the only community facility in the ward.



Officer/Councillor Identified


That Steve Goddard, Head of Community Services be invited to the next meeting

Steve Goddard, Head of Community Services /Mary-Louise Harrison, Members Support Officer

The next meeting.


The Chair stated that he had met residents about the closure of Manor House and that an incident had occurred at the venue which had raised health and safety issues. It had been decided that the building should remain closed whilst an investigation was concluded. He commented that there was an issue about community centres across the city and it was currently being looked at if they were providing value for money. He suggested that Steve Goddard, Head of Community Services be invited to the next meeting as he would be able to provide correct information with regard to Manor House.


A resident queried why the Manor House playing fields could not be used. The Chair stated that the fields belonged to Ellesmere College however had been closed due to dog fouling. He encouraged residents to let the ward Councillors know if there was any land where playing fields could be located.


Riverside School


Residents also raised concern at the closure of Riverside School. A resident stated that the Rowley Fields area was the hardest hit by the community facilities closing and commented that this issue needed addressing urgently by the Council. Residents stated that people who attended previous clubs held at Manor House or Riverside now had to travel a further distance to go to other clubs and that there was a demand for community facilities in Rowley Fields. A resident commented it had been stated that Manor House was not fit for purpose however he did not believe this and requested details of why the building has been classified as not fit for purpose. The Chair stated that he was not sure if there was a report on the building however there had been a letter sent to residents.


The Chair stated that Riverside School had shown a declining number of pupils intake for a number of years. He commented that he disagreed with the way it was taken forward and the way the consultation was done. However when presented with the figures he understood why it was done and this had to be balanced with the Council’s budget.


A resident raised concern that Riverside with a 37% pass rate had been closed compared with 20% of Fulhurst Community College. The Chair stated that a lot more input per child had been put into at Riverside compared to other schools. He commented that he understood why people were angry however when presented with the figures, he could understand the argument for the closure of the school


A resident queried what would be happening to the land at Riverside School. The Chair stated that this land was currently under discussion. He commented that not much could be done until the school had closed and the best thing would be to keep residents informed during the consultation when things progressed.


Dates of Future Meetings


The Chair stated that dates for all future Community Meeting dates through until the next local elections would be sent out to residents.


Junction on Gooding Avenue/Hinckley Road


A resident raised concern about the junction on Gooding Avenue and Hinckley Road. He stated that it was very difficult to get out from Gooding Avenue onto Hinckley Road.