Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interests they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Jerry Connolly, Member Support Officer will give an update on the current budget position and outline applications that have been received.


The following budget applications have been received for consideration.


Application 1 – Act Up Young People’s Theatre Company

This application was deferred from the last meeting to allow consideration in the new financial year.


Application 2 – Independent Education Advice

This application was part funded at the last meeting, with the remainder to be considered in the new financial year.


Application 3 – Saffron Colour Carnival


Application 4 – Carnival safety


Application 5 – Dog waste bins


Application 6 – Kitchen equipment, Linwood Community Association


The following application has been agreed by Councillors prior to the meeting, as it was within their powers to agree. The meeting is asked to note the decision to support.


Application 7 – Bike locks


The Chair presented the Community Meeting budget.


The following bids along with the one considered earlier in the meeting had been submitted for consideration:


·        Independent Education Advice, Peter Thompson, - £2,000.


The applicant, John Thompson explained the application. He commented that the application would help fund educational advice about school choice. The Chair stated that this was a vital service for the community.



that the application be supported and £2,000 be allocated from the Ward Community fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


·        Saffron Colour Carnival, Saffron Arts Forum, - £2,000


It was reported that the initial application was for £2,500 however funding for £500 had been found from elsewhere. The Chair stated that the Saffron Carnival was a fantastic occasion that had been going on for a number of years.



that the application be supported and £2,000 be allocated from the Ward Community fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


·        Saffron Carnival Safety, Saffron Arts Forum, - £2,000


The applicant, Kellie Bugby explained the application. She commented that the application was to make the processes for the carnival safe. The funding was for the costs for the road closures and insurance costs.



that the application be supported and £2,000 be allocated from the Community Cohesion fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Community Cohesion and the Leader of the Council.


·        Dog Waste Bins, Environmental Services, - £4,500


It was recommended that this item be deferred and it be looked into whether the funding for the bins could be found from the City Council mainstream funding. The City Warden commented that it was understood that the Environmental Services did not have enough funding to maintain the bins.



that the application be deferred and it be looked into whether funding could be found from the Environmental Services section at the City Council.





Look into whether there is any funding from the Environmental Services section for dog bins. 

Jerry Connolly, Members Support Officer.

Next meeting.


·        Bike Locks, Local Police and Saffron Lane Neighbourhood Housing Office, - £200


Mary-Louise Harrison, Members Support Officer informed the Community Meeting that the application would be funded across three wards. The applicant stated that funding has already been approved by the Joint Action Group. A resident queried how the bike locks would be advertised. The Police commented that they would be advertised through events such as the Saffron Fete and would cost £1.



that the application be supported and £200 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


The following extra applications were tabled at the meeting:


·        Saffron Fete, Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd, - £1,700


It was reported that a similar application had been submitted to the Aylestone and Eyres Monsell Community Meetings. The application had been refused at the Aylestone Community Meeting and the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting had agreed to fund 40% of the requested amount which was £680. It was therefore agreed that £1,020 would be supported from the Community Meeting.



that the application be supported and £1,020 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan fund subject to final approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


·        Linwood Fun Day, Linwood Centre, - £175


The Chair stated that the Linwood Centre was an important centre and provided a good service.



that the application be supported and £175 be allocated from the Ward Action Plan fund subject to approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.




Supporting documents: