Agenda item



The Chair read the following Statement:


“Since the formation of the new Westminster government much has changed, however, our vision for Leicester to be a city with confidence, resilience, and prosperity remains unchanged.


“Since 2007 when Labour took back control of the city council, Leicester has renewed. We have opened Highcross, Curve and Phoenix Square.We have opened new schools, giving life-changing opportunities to our city’s young people.We have delivered real change and improvements across all our communities.We now have city wardens in every ward, tackling crime and grime.We have launched our pensioners’ passport, One Pass, unlocking new discounts for older people.We are well on the way to planting our 10,000 trees – realising our vision for Leicester to be a greener city.In recent years Leicester has been transformed.NHS investment is making a real difference across the city. We have new health centres delivered in partnership with the council.


“We have done what we said we would do. We have taken action to renew Leicester since 2007; driving forward a city with confidence and ambition.


“No one here needs reminding about the challenges we face in relation to the public finances.The new government has, and is, threatening to bring the axe to important streams of public investment. Some of these schemes had within them commitments to Leicester.People should be under no illusion that these cuts are hitting and will hit Leicester. We already know that the nature of the government’s cuts will hit already deprived areas the hardest.


“Already we see real uncertainty about the future of the Future Jobs Fund: investment which is giving people real opportunities to retrain and get into work.There is real risk to significant investment via EMDA, monies which are intended to shape the next phase of Leicester’s regeneration – the Science Park and New Business Quarter.Major projects which will generate enterprise, bring money into our economy and create new jobs for local people.


“Late last week we saw the axe fall on the grant which fund the hugely popular free swimming for the under-16s. A scheme in Leicester which is much needed in terms of our public health priorities but also in relation to positive activities for young people and tackling anti-social behaviour.


“To cut this grant just weeks before the school summer holidays sends a clear message about the nature of the cuts we face.


“These cuts from the Conservative/ Liberal Democrat coalition government are ideological.And let me say clearly now: this Labour Cabinet’s response to them is also ideological.Our ideology is one of commitment to our frontline services, to protecting and working with all our communities and to continue delivering our One Leicester vision.Our ideology is about a confident and positive city: proud of what we have achieved and determined about the future.That determination requires tough and important decisions.


“And on that basis we are deferring the following reports from today’s Cabinet agenda:

Item 10: Investing in our Children Capital Programme

Item 12: Car park improvements at Watermead Park

Item 14: Rally Park and Abbey Meadows Strategic Green Infrastructure Projects

Item 15: Procurement of Surface Water Management Plan Study

Item 16: Corporate Capital Programme 2010/11 Local Environmental Works


“This does not mean the projects and plans outlined in these reports will not happen. This will give us time to assess properly the impact of the Government’s cuts so far and also tomorrow’s Budget statement. We will do this and bring forward reports to future Cabinet meetings.We intend to discuss the full implications of the cuts and what they mean for Leicester and our priorities. We will have discussions with our political colleagues, fellow councillors and other stakeholders.We understand the needs of our communities.  We also know the challenges facing Leicester.We have a vision for strong communities and a bold, prosperous city.As we assess the impact of the cuts and consider what they mean for this council, our values of equality and social justice will drive us.We will protect frontline services, maintain our commitment to Leicester’s communities, and continue to work for a confident, aspirational city.”