Agenda item


Information will be provided to promote recycling and on how recycling rates could be improved.


Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester was present to provide information and to answer any queries on recycling.


A DVD was played which outlined the benefits of recycling and provided information on the recycling process.


Sarah explained that her main role was to go around the city and work with the communities about recycling. She informed the Community Meeting that the following items could be placed in the green recycling box:


·        Paper – this included newspapers, leaflets, magazines, paper, catalogues and directories such as the yellow pages.

·        Mixed glass – this included bottles and jars

·        Plastic bottles.


It was stated that cardboard could not be placed in the box.


The Community Meeting was informed that the following items could be removed at the recycling plant:


·        Metals – metal items were removed at the plant and sent for recycling.

·        Cardboard, cartons, envelopes, plastic containers and food wrappers were turned into an alternative fuel.

·        Food waste was produced into a soil improver. The methane gas released during the process was turned into electricity.


Sarah commented that a lot of people were still not recycling and that it was important to use the green box. There were also recycling banks available across the city along with two recycling centres.


Sarah informed the Community Meeting that next week was National Recyling week and there would be various events in the city including a Recycling Plant Open day.


A resident queried what the cost was of sending waste to landfill. Sarah commented that the cost was £48 per tonne. It was further queried what the year’s bill was. Sarah commented that she would find this information out and it was agreed that this should be distributed with the minutes.





Find out the year’s bill and the amount of tonnage used.

Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester

Distribution of the minutes.


Residents raised concern at the green boxes being thrown back and being cracked after a waste collection. Concern was also raised that boxes and bins were not being placed outside people’s houses after a collection.


A resident queried that there used to be a plastic bottle bank on Avery Hill however this had now disappeared. Sarah commented that she would look into this.





Find out about the plastic bottle bank on Avery Hill

Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester

By next meeting


In response to queries, it was confirmed that catalogues may be placed in the green recycling box however plastic tubs could not be placed as there was only limited companies available who could recycle plastic tubs. A resident queried that he had put shiny brochures in the box however had not been taken. Sarah commented that she would look into this.





Look into why shiny brochures were not collected when placed in the green box.

Sarah Cookson, Community Liaison Coordinator, Biffa Leicester

By next meeting


A Member stated that she had difficulty in getting her box to the kerbside. Sarah commented that assisted collection was available and the waste collectors were able to come to the front of the house to collect the box. The same service was also available for the collection of wheelie bins.


The Chair thanked Sarah for her presentation.