Agenda item


There will be an opportunity to discuss and assist in developing the future Ward Action Plan for the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward.


The Chair stated that it was important priorities and issues in the ward were identified so they could be fed into the Council’s budget process for next year which was due to begin in September. He commented that it was also important due to the local elections next year it was important that all candidates standing for the ward knew what the issues were in the area.


It was stated that the current big issues in the area were:


  • The closure of Riverside School – The Chair stated that pupils and staff at the school would continue to be supported until the closure. It was also aimed to secure the continued use of the site for educational purposes. The Chair reported that the Ward Councillors had a meeting with the Cabinet Lead for Children and Schools planned for early September.
  • Manor House Neighbourhood Centre and the associated playing fields – The Chair stated that it was proposed to secure the reopening of the centre. It was also proposed to retain the playing fields as open space and explore future community use of the land. A resident stated that if the Centre was reopened then more security and better lighting was needed in the area.
  • Bus routes – It was noted that residents had raised concerns that the current bus routes did not serve the community well. Concern was also raised that there was no bus which took people directly to the City Council offices from Rowley Fields. The Chair suggested that an audit of public transport needs for residents in Rowley Fields was needed. This included addressing concerns raised regarding the rerouting of the number 50 bus.
  • Evesham Road link – it was noted that there had been a lot of campaigning on this issue however it was stated that the County Council did have a say on the road and it was on their strategic plan.  The Chair stated that it was propsoed to seek the withdrawal from the County Council of the Evesham Road link.
  • Tesco’s/Anti Social Behaviour – It was reported that the Coalition Government were seeking a revision of the licensing laws. The Chair stated that it was proposed to continue high level monitoring of anti social behaviour associated with Tesco’s.


The Chair reported on the main issues that had been noted on the patch walks that had been conducted by the Members in the ward. These fell into the Environment and Traffic and Streets categories. The Chair also stated the proposed actions to address the issues that had been raised. These included:


Environment Issues


  • Litter – particular hotspots included Narborough Road frontages, River Byam and Great Central way. It was also noted that there may be a shortage of bins. It was proposed that the provision of additional litter bins would be explored.
  • Graffiti – mostly to cable boxes, road signs, post boxes and Great Central Way.
  • Street Cleaning – issues included detritus to gutters and seasonal weeds. It was proposed that more regular street gutter cleaning needed to be arranged to remove detritus. It was also proposed that it needed to be ensured that weed treatments were carried out.
  • Trees – localised overgrown and overhanging branches to some streets. It was proposed that it would be ensured all overgrown and hanging branches to streets were removed expeditiously


Traffic and Streets Issues


  • Vehicles parking on the pavement – in particular Foxcroft Close, Heyworth Road and Evelyn Drive.
  • Dangerous corner of Harefield/Lyncote Road – it was proposed that traffic restrictions would be sought to reduce the danger of the bend.
  • Areas of sunken, uneven and broken paving.
  • State of repair of some roads – in particular Roundhay Road at Evesham Road junction, and Great Central Way bridge.
  • Lorries accessing industrial estate through Evelyn Drive – It was proposed that feasibility of changing the vehicular access and egress to the industrial estate be looked into.


Other issues


  • Restricted access to Great Central Way – it was proposed that safe and proper access for residents to Great Central Way would be secured.


In addition, residents raised the following concerns:


  • Safety issues on the junction of Meredith Road/Dumbleton Avenue
  • Anti-social Behaviour around Rowley Fields Avenue
  • Youths gathering around church grounds and substation
  • People parking on Evesham Road bridge – it was suggested that bollards were possibly needed.
  • The Roundhay Rd/Evesham Rd corner was too narrow for a main road.
  • Lack of dog bins on Great Central Way.
  • Sweeper vehicles in the area passing too quickly and not cleaning.
  • The speed of buses being too dangerous in the area.
  • Mortimer Place being blocked due to parking.
  • Neighbourhood Watch needed on Dumbleton Avenue