Agenda item


The Director, Planning and Economic Development submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.




Pre application enquiry

Redevelopment of site


The Director said the pre application enquiry was for the redevelopment of the area bounded by Bath Lane, Blackfriars Lane, All Saints Road and Jarvis Street.


It was noted that the Panel had made observations on and around this site several times over the last few years.


Architects that were due to present this item did not attend as they were working on further information on the project and would present this item at a later date.



Planning Application 20101307

Change of use, extensions


The Director said the application was for the change of use of Allen House to student accommodation with additional roof extension, the demolition of the adjacent Antiques Centre and construction of further student accommodation along Oxford Street and Newarke Street. The ground floor of the development is intended for commercial use. There is a previous approval on the Antiques Centre site for demolition and replacement building (20071647) and an application to extend the time limit of this approval.


It was noted at the meeting that the application was adjacent to another application for student accommodation development, but the two applications were from different developers.


The panel expressed concern over an application for further student accommodation questioning whether there was evidence of need.  The new build was considered to overpower the retained building, and is completely out of scale in terms of mass and height with Newarke Street. The roof extension to Allen House was not seen as a positive contribution.


Whilst the panel accepted the principle of the development they considered that amendments be sought but did not support the scheme in its current form. 



Listed Building Consent 20101253

Internal alterations


The Director said the application was for internal alterations to facilitate the relocation and move of the central lending library into the above building and to comply with fire safety.


The panel noted that the building had never been particularly welcoming and expressed concern that this was a poorly thought through scheme and a missed opportunity to make the building more welcoming and user friendly.  There was also concern expressed regarding the work space elements that would require a quiet environment, and this was not clear from the plans.


The Panel recommended seeking amendments to this application.



Listed Building Consent 20101041

Internal alterations


The Director said the application was for internal alterations including the subdivision of the lower ground floor level.


The panel felt that is was difficult to consider this as there was no indication of how and by whom the space was to be used.  The subdivision was poorly thought out and considered to be detrimental to the character of this open basement and, if small rooms are required the panel suggested that this was the wrong building for this use.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.



Planning Application 20101159

Extension to bungalow


The Director said the application was for extensions to the bungalow to raise it up to create a two storey detached house.


It was noted that the Panel had made observations on a similar scheme last year.


The panel considered that this was a site with good potential and rather than increasingly large extensions the site should be cleared and allow for a good well considered scheme to come forward which enhances the character of the conservation area. Whilst they accepted the principle of a two storey building, extending the current bungalow in this way would neither preserve or enhance the character of the conservation area.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.


F) 349-353 LONDON ROAD

Planning Application 20100918

New detached house


The Director said the application was for a new six bedroom detached house on land at the corner of Ratcliffe Road and London Road.


It was noted that the Panel had made observations on a similar scheme last year.


The panel were not happy with the principle of any development on this site. It was felt that the wooded character was of more value to the conservation area than a new building.


The panel did note that if the officer was minded for approval then the current design was unacceptable and a much higher quality contemporary design would be required to exploit the wooded setting.


The Panel recommended refusal on this application.



Planning Application 20101149, 1150, Listed Building Consent 20101153, 1152

Replacement windows, re-roofing


The Director said that the application was for replacement of the current uPVC windows with aluminium and timber hybrid working sash windows based on the original window designs. The application included re-roofing the theatre.


The panel supported the replacement of the UPVC windows and the re-roofing of the theatre.


The Panel recommended approval on this application.


H)  136-140 LONDON ROAD

Planning Application 20071577

Amendments to approved scheme


The Director said the application was for amendments to planning application 20071577 for redevelopment of the above site.


It was noted that the Panel had made comments in 2007.


The panel thought this was an improvement on the previous scheme. There were concerns were expressed about the stair tower on the principle elevation. However the panel felt unable to make a full assessment without drawings showing the context within the street scene and particularly its relationship to the adjacent properties. They also requested a drawing showing the North West elevation facing along London Road.


The Panel recommended that more information should be obtained, but recommended refusing this application in its current form.



Planning Application 20101088

1.4metre high railings


The Director said the application was for a new fence to subdivide the land currently shared by the church and the vicarage.


The panel considered that the fence line should follow as close as possible the historic fence line. It should also retain the existing entrance and path to the Church with a new entrance being used for the Vicarage.


The Panel recommended seeking amendments to this application.


The Panel made no observations on the following applications therefore they were not formally considered:



Planning Application 20101150

Fascia signs

Supporting documents: