Agenda item


There will be an opportunity to discuss and assist in developing the future Ward Action Plan for the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward.


The Chair stated that an action plan was being developed which would allow residents in the area to submit issues which they felt needed tackling. The issues raised would try to influence the City Council budget process for next year which was currently underway and would be known to candidates standing at next year’s local elections.


Some of the big issues in the area included:


  • Braunstone Hall – issues included use and maintenance of the hall and keeping it free from crime and disorder.
  • Educational Standards and Skills in Braunstone – it was noted that skills were still low and should be improved to raise standards.
  • Employment – The Chair stated that it would be aimed to improve the employment rate in Braunstone.
  • Youth Provision – The Chair stated that quality youth services that met local needs, needed to be built and maintained.
  • Crime and Anti-social Behaviour – It was reported that feedback from the Police had been received that 50% of vehicles were exceeding the speed limit on Braunstone Avenue. The Chair stated that the aim would be for the Police, Council and Community to continue to work together to resolve crime, disorder and anti social behaviour problems in a timely fashion.
  • Infrastructure – The Chair stated that it needed to be ensured that there was better use of derelict land such as uses for housing.


The Chair reported on the main issues that had been noted on the patch walks that had been conducted by the Members in the ward. These fell into the Environment and Traffic and Streets categories. The Chair also stated the proposed actions to address the issues that had been raised. These included:


Environmental Issues


  • Litter and rubbish – It was proposed that areas needed to be kept clear of rubbish and the provision of additional litter bins would be explored. It was also proposed that all actions necessary should be taken to make shop forecourts safe and keep them clear of litter. Council house frontages also needed to be maintained in a proper state of repair and free of litter.
  • Graffiti – It was proposed areas needed to be kept clear of graffiti.
  • Street cleaning – It was proposed that there should be improved street cleaning in the ward.
  • Weeds on footpaths – It was proposed that all grassed areas, shrubberies and beds needed to be properly and regularly maintained. It was also proposed that it needed to be ensured weed treatments were carried out according to the scheduled programme. It was also proposed that community planting opportunities should be explored.


Traffic and Streets


  • Vehicles parked on pavements – It was proposed that ways needed to be explored to stop vehicles from parking on the pavement and grass verges. It also needed to be ensured that road and paving surfaces needed to be in a fit state. It was also proposed that the prevalence of dropped kerbs within the estate needed to be explored and appropriate action taken.
  • State of grass verges – It was proposed that the state of grass verges needed to be maintained.
  • Overhanging vegetation to pathways – It was proposed that all overgrown and hanging branches to streets were removed expeditiously.
  • State of the underpasses to Gallards Hill and Bendbow Rise. It was proposed that the underpasses needed to be maintained in a proper state of repair and cleanliness.


Other Issues


  • Poor state of repair and security to electricity substation on Corfield Rise.
  • Littered, weeded and graffitied play area in Webster Road.
  • CCTV on Gooding Avenue was unable to see the nearby toilets. It was stated that it was important the toilets could be seen.


Residents also raised the following concerns:


  • Council Yard on Bendbow Rise.
  • Development on Bendbow Rise School not started.
  • Children running at the back of Hand Avenue.
  • Grass verges flooded with water on Braunstone Lane.
  • Full vehicle parking on pavements, not just two wheels
  • Drainage issues on Imperial Avenue and the Braunstone Leisure Centre Car Park.
  • The turning head three quarters the way down Mortimer Place.
  • Access damaged to the BRITE Centre,
  • Car parking issues for the house opposite Co-op on Hallam Crescent.
  • Overflowing litter bins on Webster Road


The Chair stated that work was scheduled to be done this year on the Braunstone Lane East Bridge and Braunstone Avenue.


The following further concerns were also raised:


  • Parking on the pavement on Gallards Hill. Concern was raised that the pavements were not designed to take heavy vehicles.
  • Parking on grass verges on Braunstone Avenue and Gooding Avenue.