Agenda item


The Director, Planning and Economic Development submits a report on planning applications received for consideration by the Panel.



Pre Planning Application 201091358P

Mixed use development


The proposal was likely to affect views of nearby historic sites and would affect the setting of the Grade 11 listed Donisthorpes group of listed buildings. The site also contained important archaeology.


The officer presenting the report said the pre application enquiry was for a mixed use development for 601 student assisted living accommodation, 26 houses, commercial and ancillary uses.


The presentation was given by the architect and was generally very well received by the Panel. They asked about the need for more student accommodation.  They raised a number of concerns on the potential impact on nearby historic assets including height and appropriate materials. They wanted an assurance that the indicative tree lined avenues on the illustrations that helped to sell the scheme would be implemented and maintained. They liked the larger windows often lacking in new developments and the reinstatement of the old road layout. They were concerned that the lack of car parking provision would make a possible future flat use difficult to sustain. They also felt the design was not ambitious enough for the site as this was supposed to be Leicester’s showcase area for regeneration.




Pre-application – New medical teaching building adjacent to Regent College.


Also presented by the architect of the proposal.


Materials to be used and the design were met with mixed views by the Panel. Some felt it was not a strong enough design for this prominent location. They issued a word of caution regarding the other modern building on the corner of Princess Road and how it had detrimentally affected the corner. They were concerned that this was a loss of important open space and would like to know what further plans the University has for their buildings.




Planning Application 20101775

Change of use, new building


The building is on the local list.


The officer presenting the report said the application was for the reserved matters (full details) for the conversion of the main Equity Shoes building and outline application for a new building on the adjacent land for 36 flats all for general residential use.  The scheme was the same as the student accommodation approved previously.



The Panel had very little to comment on because of the outline sketchy nature of the information. They would not like to see any development higher than the ridge of the Equity Shoes factory and they noted the lack of parking in particular might make selling these units difficult.




Pre application enquiry

Demolition, extension


The building is Grade II* listed and within the Evington Village Conservation area.


The officer presenting the report said the pre application enquiry was for the demolition of the south extension built in the 1950s and the construction of a new wing to provide additional facilities.


The Panel accepted the principle of the new build. They did not like the granite banding and would like to see it confined to the lower walls to create a strong plinth. The off centre lantern was thought to make the design look odd and suggested it be removed and a roof light tube used. Also the oversailing eves were commented on. They liked the glazed link to the church. The Panel agreed the plan needed refining.




Listed Building Consent 20101934

Removal of railings


The railings form the boundary of the old school playground and run along the St Martins West walkway. They were independently listed Grade II last year at the same time as the school and fall within the Cathedral/Guildhall Conservation area.


The officer presenting the report said the application was for the demolition of a section of railings. The Panel had made observations on the conversion of the school to the new Diocese Centre and alterations to the open space in front of the Cathedral within the last 12 months.


The Panel did not feel that the proposal would either preserve or enhance the conservation area or the setting of the surrounding listed buildings including the Grade I listed Guildhall.  It was noted that this was a historic boundary line between the Cathedral and Wygesston’s hospital.  It was also observed that this was one of the finest pathways in the City.  The Panel were sensitive to the access issues raised by the Cathedral and considered that the widening of the existing gate which could be opened and closed as necessary would be a better option.


The Panel recommended REFUSAL of the application in its current form, and recommended seeking amendments.



Planning Application 20101746


The building is within the Church Gate Conservation area.


The Panel made observations on the replacement of the windows in 2009. Conversion of the factory to flats was granted in January 2006 before the conservation area had been designated.


The officer presenting the report said the application was for a material change to the approved consent for aluminium windows to allow uPVC windows.


The Panel noted that the approved window was not what they would have liked but replacing it with a window even less suited to the historic fabric was not something they would support.


The Panel recommended REFUSAL of this application.



Richard Gill declared an interest in the following item and handed over the Chairing of the meeting to Richard Lawrence.



Planning Application 20101879

Access ramp and external alterations


The building is Grade II listed and within the Town Hall Square Conservation Area.


The officer presenting the report said the application was for a new access ramp and external alterations.


Generally supportive of the scheme the Panel were concerned that the railings within the new handrail were to fussy and would clash with the historic front railings. They suggested a much simpler approach.


The Panel recommended APPROVAL of this application with amended railing design.



Richard Gill Chaired the meeting for the following items.



Outline Planning Application 20101087

Change of use to assisted living accommodation


This was an application for the conversion of buildings which were locally listed and the demolition of lower, single storey buildings, to enable the construction of a four-storey building. The site is on different levels.


The Panel had concerns regarding this proposal. They did not like the treatment of the retained buildings as it removed much of the historic character and interest. They reluctantly accepted the principle of the new build provided a suitable design was found and thought four storeys were too high.


The Panel recommended REFUSAL of this application.



Late Item



Planning Application 20101724



The building is within Evington Village Conservation Area.


This application was for an extension on top of an adjoining garage.


The Panel thought that the proposed extensions took all of the original character of the building away and would be detrimental to both the building and the character of the conservation area. They accepted the principle of an extension but it should be done in a way that maintained the character of the building.


The Panel recommended REFUSAL of the application in its current form, and recommended seeking amendments.



The Panel raised no objections to the following applications



Planning Application 20101947

Change of use



Planning Application 20101880

New perimeter fence


Though no comments were made on this item, members of the Panel were asked to note that they had considered the application for a rear extension in 2008 and Jeremy Crooks had advised on the scheme. This year it won the small scheme of the year at the 2010 Pro con awards.

Supporting documents: