Agenda item


There will be an opportunity to discuss and assist in developing the future Ward Action Plan for the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward.



The Chair introduced the Ward Action Plan. Residents were informed that a book version of the plan was being developed. It was noted that the area of Braunstone was bounded by Braunstone Lane, Hinckley Road, the Railway line, Braunstone Avenue, Fullhust Avenue and Narborough Road.


The Chair explained some of the big issues in the area and how these would be tackled. These included:


  • Braunstone Hall – The Chair stated that Members were committed to the restoration of the hall. It was noted that the Council has committed to invest in the structure. Residents were informed that the land had been offered for sale however offers had been the amount which had been expected. The Chair explained that there had been two expressions of interest for the hall and work was being done over the next two weeks on this.
  • Health and Health Inequalities – The Chair explained that this area of the city had the worst results for health and health inequalities in the city. Residents were informed that local GP’s were being spoken to, to form a joint strategy group on this area in Braunstone.
  • Educational Standards and Skills – The Chair explained that the Neighbourhood Management Board were organising a seminar on this subject and this would be taking place on 11 March. Residents were informed that the area had the worst performance of educational standards in new areas however ways were being explored in which strategies to tackle this could be developed.
  • Traffic Issues – It was noted that these included the Evesham Road link, public transport issues and issues regarding Hockley Farm Road.


The Chair reported on the main issues that had been noted on the patch walks that had been conducted by the Members in the ward. These fell into the Environment and Traffic and Streets categories. The Chair also stated the proposed actions to address the issues that had been raised. These included:


Environmental Issues


  • Litter and rubbish – It was proposed that areas needed to be kept clear of rubbish and the provision of additional litter bins would be explored. It was also proposed that all actions necessary should be taken to make shop forecourts safe and keep them clear of litter. Council house frontages also needed to be maintained in a proper state of repair and free of litter.
  • Graffiti – It was proposed areas needed to be kept clear of graffiti.
  • Street cleaning – It was proposed that there should be improved street cleaning in the ward.
  • Weeds on footpaths – It was proposed that all grassed areas, shrubberies and beds needed to be properly and regularly maintained. It was also proposed that it needed to be ensured weed treatments were carried out according to the scheduled programme. It was also proposed that community planting opportunities should be explored.


Traffic and Streets


  • Vehicles parked on pavements – It was proposed that ways needed to be explored to stop vehicles from parking on the pavement and grass verges. It also needed to be ensured that road and paving surfaces needed to be in a fit state. It was also proposed that the prevalence of dropped kerbs within the estate needed to be explored and appropriate action taken.
  • State of grass verges – It was proposed that the state of grass verges needed to be maintained.
  • Overhanging vegetation to pathways – It was proposed that all overgrown and hanging branches to streets were removed expeditiously.


It was noted that residents had raised concerns at previous meetings. The Chair explained the actions that would be taken to address these issues. These included:


  • Development on Bendbow Rise School not started – it was stated that this work had now started.
  • Overflowing litter bins on Webster Road – it was proposed that it should be ensured all litter bins are regularly emptied and do not overflow, particularly in Webster Road.
  • Children running at the back of Hand Avenue – it was proposed that complaints of anti social behaviour on Hand Avenue should be investigated.
  • Grass verges flooded with water on Braunstone Lane – it was proposed that repairs or works as necessary would be carried to the grass verges.
  • Drainage problems at the Braunstone Leisure Centre car park – it was proposed that the drainage system should be repaired.



The Chair also stated that it was important to produce a transportation and traffic plan for the ward which addressed priorities such as:


  • Traffic flows and management.
  • Parking on paving and verges.
  • Physical maintenance of roads and paving.
  • Speed and safety.


The Chair informed the Community Meeting that once the action plan was finalised into a book it would be presented to the Leader of the Council.


It was queried whether there was money available for the repair of potholes. The Chair stated that there was funding available however problems were only dealt with if they were reported. A resident stated that repairs to potholes should be done properly.