Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


James Schadla-Hall, Member Support Officer will present an update on the current spend on community meeting budgets and introduce applications that have been received.


The following budget applications will be considered:-


Application 1


Applicant: Mamta Ladies Group

Amount: £1940

Proposal: Mamta Ladies Group

Summary: The funding would cover 12 weeks hall rent, 10 exercise sessions and 2 out of town trips for members of the Mamta Ladies Groups.

The group consists of 58 members, most of whom are elderly and some are with physical disabilities.


Application 2


Applicant: Transport Development Officer, Leicester City Council

Amount: £2,000

Proposal: Cycle racks across the ward

Summary: To provide cycle racks for secure parking at key points within the

      ward.  Locations to be consulted on but likely to include Barkby  

      Road (adjacent to post office) and Victoria Road/Gipsy Lane.  The

      equipment is to be installed by the Council’s Highways Services.


The meeting was informed that the meeting was not quorate and therefore no formal decision could be taken in the meeting.  It was agreed that the applications would be discussed with the other ward members and passed to the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council for approval.



James Schadla-Hall, Members Support Officer, reported the following applications for funding: -


i)          Santana Football Club                                                                  £2,2400         

A representative from the club explained that funding was sought to provide training bibs for different ages, training and match balls of different sizes, ‘respect’ banners and stakes, fruit and milk and consumables.  It was explained that the ‘respect’ banner was part of a campaign to remind parents and spectators to respect the referee.  The banner would also mark out the pitch area.  It was explained further that a number of the young people did not participate in sports at school and the football club gave them move confidence.  The football team were second in the league and enrolled in a tournament.  It was hoped that a girl’s team would be started in the future.


The Chair welcomed and supported the application. 



that it be noted that £2,2400 be supported by the Community Meeting, subject to agreement from ward members and approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.



ii)         Mamta Ladies Group                                                                     £1,940


James Schadla-Hall reported that the group had received funding from Voluntary Action Leicester for rent of the hall and that the applicant requested funding for the remain years rent, two day trips and exercise sessions.


The Chair welcomed and supported the application. 



that it be noted that £1,940 be supported by the Community Meeting, subject to agreement from ward members and approval from the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.


iii)        Cycle Security                                                                                 £2,000


James Schadla-Hall reported that the application was from within the Council and was to install cycle racks.  The Chair thought it was important for the positioning of these racks to be considered carefully.



that the application be discussed further with the ward members and if in agreement the application be send to the Cabinet Lead for Front Line Service Improvement and Neighbourhoods and the Leader of the Council.



Update on previous applications


Play equipment

James Schadla-Hall gave an update on the play equipment application and explained that following the last meeting the location had changed to Barnes Close.  The equipment would accompany existing pieces on the site.  Sergeant Nimblette noted that Barnes Close was a police priority area and suggested that improved lighting accompany the equipment to help prevent vandalism.



James Schadla-Hall reported that £1,000 was allocated towards the Ward newsletter.  This would include information about Rushey Mead Community Meeting and where funding had been spent.  The Chair explained that this would provide publicity for the fund and allow more people to apply in future.  This could include photographs of activities from some of the successful bids.


A discussion took place on the possibility of accessing this information through the Council website.

Supporting documents: