Agenda item



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Jenny Loran, Service Development Manager was present to provide an update on the Recycling Pilot scheme.


Jenny explained that some of the benefits of the pilot scheme were that it would allow an expanded range of items to be recycled and it was easy to understand for residents. The Community Meeting was informed that every property in the trial area with a green box had been provided with a roll of orange sacks. It was stated that the sacks were collected each week along side the regular grey bin collections.


Residents were informed that the trial had commenced on 14 September and there were around 6500 properties included in the trial. It was stated that the trial had initially been for six months.


Jenny explained the progress of the pilot scheme so far. It was noted that  Braunstone has seen an increase in set out and participation rates, these rates indicate the number of residents taking part in recycling each week and overall.  The set out rate has increased from 33% to 58%, while participation has increased from 50% to 78%.  Braunstone has also seen an increase of more than double in the amount of recycling collected from 1.5tonnes per week to an average of 4.2tonnes per week. It was also reported that the amount of waste collected has dropped from 21.9 to 20.7 tonnes each week.


Jenny stated that work was being done with residents to obtain feedback on the pilot and there were focus groups planned for May 2011. There would also be a new system of ordering bags rolled out just before Easter. This would consist of the 29 orange bags being flat packed with one pink bag. Residents would have to put the pink bag out for collection when they need new bags, which would be delivered automatically by the crews. Jenny reported that the trial would be continuing while a final decision is made on whether the new scheme will be rolled out city wide. In response to a query about the material of the bags, Jenny stated that the bags were made out of at least 90% recycled plastic and designed to be thicker than normal bags to help reduce piercing by items such as glass. It was also stated that the bags would be recycled again and would not go to landfill.


In response to a query regarding the green box, Jenny stated that the green boxes could only collect three types of items however the orange bags would be able to collect a wider range of items however, we cannot accept polystyrene, textiles, food etc.. It was queried where the recycling was taken, Jenny explained that currently the orange recycling bags were taken to the Ball Mill where they were bulked up on to a larger vehicle for transportation to Trafford Park in Manchester for mechanical sorting. She added that it was hoped to have a new facility in Birmingham for this process which would be much closer. It was queried whether all waste could be placed together in the orange bags or whether items such as glass would have to be separated. Jenny stated that all items were able to be placed together however people were asked to tie the bags up.