Agenda item


Councillor Kavia submits a report that seeks the views of the Cabinet on the Proposed Modifications to the Deposit Draft Structure Plan, taking in to account the final Regional Planning Guidance for the East Midlands (RPG8). The Cabinet is requested to; approve the process and timetable; note the implications of Regional Planning Guidance 8 and to approve the Decisions and Reasons on the Panel’s Recommendations set out in Appendix 2 and the Proposed Modifications set out in Appendix 4.


The minutes of the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 17 April 2002 are attached to the report.


The Appendices to the report have been attached for the Cabinet only. Copies of this document can be obtained from the City Council’s website ( under the link to Council meetings and decisions or by phoning (0116) 252 6022.


Councillor Kavia submitted a report presenting the Proposed Modifications to the Deposit Draft Structure Plan, taking in to account the final Regional Planning Guidance for the East Midlands (RPG8). It was noted the Structure Plan had been discussed by the Leicestershire and Rutland County Councils and by a district Council symposium following the Examination in Public into the Structure Plan. There was now general agreement on the main points of the plan including the controversial issue of allocation of housebuilds.


Councillor Osman queried whether there were environmental issues to be overcome when building on brownfield sites. The Head of Development Plans in response stated there was a balance to be achieved when developing sites in achieving suitable environmental safeguards, and commented there were policies in the structure plan which did address this issue.


The minutes of the Strategic Planning and Regeneration Scrutiny Committee held on 17 April 2002 were attached to the report and it was noted that the Scrutiny Committee had endorsed the proposed modifications.



that Council be recommended to:-


(i) approve the process and timetable;


(ii) note the implications of Regional Planning Guidance 8;


(iii)approve the Decisions and Reasons on the Panel’s Recommendations set out in Appendix 2 of the report; and


(iv)approve the Proposed Modifications to the Structure Plan, as set out in Appendix 4 of the report.

Supporting documents: