Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following applications for grants are submitted for consideration:-


Application 1


Applicant: Lifestyle Focus – The Chill Out Group

Amount: £1510


(Please note that representatives will be present to explain the work of the group further.)

To fund a local community group called The Chillout Group, who meet on a weekly basis for two hours in Saffron.  The sessions held are ran by two adult tutors who introduce a flexible learning programme,  such as art and craft activities, gardening, sampling complimentary therapies and Health and Wellbeing sessions.  Some of the individuals need confidence and self esteem building, as the group is aimed at people who may feel isolated in the community.  The local G.P Dr Kerbal now refers some of his patients that may suffer low level mental health issues, he has over the past 2 years had positive feedback from them due to accessing this group.  Many have been given opportunities to engage and participate on other courses such as First Aid, Food and hygiene and gained a qualification.  This group is an anchor for people to make the first stages of lifestyle changes, and many have gained employment after attending the group. 


Evaluation of this proposal will be done through photographs, G.P feedback and NHS Mental Health workers.  We will be introducing a Chillout Craft Sale which will give the group a chance to sell some of the products that are made during the sessions such as cards, Christmas gifts, plants etc.  This will give the group a chance to understand the importance of sustaining and eventually working towards being a social enterprise, looking at putting a profit back into the group to fund materials as well as promoting business skills through financial literacy.


Application 2


Applicant:  Saffron Fete community procession

Amount: £2000


The Saffron Arts Forum intend to provide an opportunity for local residents to get involved in the saffron fete by providing a number of artistic workshops from March to August throughout the estate which would include dance workshops, costume making workshops and art and design.  They will work with existing groups to promote the saffron fete and get as many local people involved in the process as possible by promoting the benefits artistic programs can have on local communities as well as local people. The workshops would reduce isolation and bring the community together and provide the opportunity for different generations to work alongside each other. In addition there would be the opportunity for family learning in after school activities and summer workshops where parents and carers can work with their children.


Community Meeting funding would be to cover the costs of professional artists to engage and work with residents throughout the costume making workshops and the cost of materials needed for the costume making.


Application 3


Title: Carnival Procession

Amount: £1400


The Saffron estate would benefit from this event, the saffron summer fete procession, youth groups, luncheon clubs and individuals of all ages can come together at the fete and showcase their work, their costumes, their groups as we parade through the Saffron Estate. The funding would cover the legal expenses of road closures and a professional traffic management team to ensure a safe route through the estate in August 2010.


Application 4


Applicant:  Saffron Acres Project

Amount: £1821


Saffron Acres Project are planning a number of improvements this summer, all of which will either help to reduce costs or increase revenue. The number of educational visits (which we charge for) will be increased due to us having more points of interest. These help to make the project more sustainable.

The improvements will be constructed by our volunteers. In helping with the construction local people feel engaged and inspired by being able to make lasting improvements to the project which is a well used community resource. People can not only learn practical skills but learn about benefiting the environment, are active outdoors in a positive activity and work as a team. Everyone can achieve something at the activities on offer at SAP, volunteers do not be literate or numerate to succeed. The life and work skills that people learn can help them find employment or training. We already work with local schools that will be actively encouraged to be involved in the improvements and will benefit from the educational opportunities provided by the new resources.

We want to build a cooking area so we can offer more healthy eating sessions using the produce that we grow, including a smoker to show people how to preserve what we have grown in time of gluts and a fire base for campfire cooking. Seeds and compost are necessary so that our volunteers and visitors can take part in learning to grow, cook and enjoy eating.

Increasing the amount of water we harvest from our tool shed roofs will reduce our water bills as we have to use less mains water for irrigating the crops we grow. It also shows people practical measures they can take at home to reduce their household bills.

As a project our running coats are low, the largest being our rent. Help with that payment will ensure our survival for another year.

Application 6


Applicant:  Saffron Directory

Amount: £2000

Description: The money will be used to update and print the 2011 Saffron Directory for local residents new and old in the area.



The following applications for grants have been agreed by Ward Councillors between meetings:-


1. Love Hoops Foundation for £250

2. 100% Best Attendance for £ 500

3. National Big Lunch for £100


The Chair reported that the 2011/12 funding allocation was £15,000 and that the following applications were submitted.


Application 1


Applicant: Lifestyle Focus – The Chill Out Group

Amount requested: £1510


Representatives from the group were in attendance at the meeting and described the purpose of the group. Two people who attended the group explained how beneficial it had been to them in building confidence and providing support towards employment. In future the group hoped to generate funding through selling products made during activities.


The Chair suggested that the meeting part fund the application and the remainder be sought from the Eyres Monsell Community Meeting, as people also attend from that ward. It was added that should the application be unsuccessful the Freemen Community Meeting could support the remainder.



that the funding application be supported to the value of £755.


Application 2


Applicant:  Saffron Fete community procession

Amount requested: £2000


The applicant explained the project and that funding was based on 100 hours of work over the summer. Following discussions on the limited amount of Community Meeting funding it was noted that the project could be run on reduced funding. The meeting agreed to fund half the project.



that the application be supported to the value of £1,000.



Application 3


Title: Carnival Procession

Amount requested: £1400


The applicant explained that the funding was for closing the road and was a set amount.



that the application be supported to the value of £1,400.



Application 4


Applicant:  Saffron Acres Project

Amount requested: £1821


A representative explained the role of the Saffron Acres Project and the benefit to the users of the allotment. In response to a question it was explained that the project was funded by the lottery and the application was for additional items. A member of the public praised the project and explained how useful it had been for her and other users. The meeting discussed the amount requested and the possibility of funding certain parts of the application to ensure funding remained available for later bids. The meeting agreed that the application would be supported for £1,000 and the remaining £821 would be forwarded to the next meeting.



that the application be supported to the value of £1,000.

Application 5


Applicant:  Saffron Directory

Amount requested: £2000


The applicant explained the directory and that it was already part funded by the Neighbourhood Management Board. The meeting discussed different possibilities for the directory such as joining with the housing office publication, using an internet version and applying to Eyres Monsell Community Meeting. The applicant was concerned that a collaboration with the housing office would double the costs and that the people who produced the directory were Saffron based. It was suggested that the date be removed from the front of the directory to prolong its use. The Chair suggested that the application be deferred and discussions take place outside the meeting



that the application be deferred.


The Chair reported that three applications had been agreed through the fast track system before the meeting.


1. Love Hoops Foundation for £250

2. 100% Best Attendance for £ 500

3. National Big Lunch for £100