Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


James Schadla-Hall, Member Support Officer will present the community meeting budget. The following funding applications have been received:


Title of Proposal: Aylestone Hall Gardens Summer Concert


Name of Group making the Proposal: Friends of Aylestone Hall Gardens


The following details of the proposal have been submitted:


Aylestone Hall Gardens is a small local community garden managed through a community trust/charity. We are all volunteers who work to improve leisure facilities for our local and wider communities. We have approached the Leicester Symphony Orchestra, a local high amateur orchestra with a view to staging a small tea-time outdoor concert in the gardens in July 2011. Our aim is to encourage more local visitors to the gardens and introduce a new younger audience to classical music. Aylestone is a district of Leicester with a largely white working class population -   unemployment is high in this area and there has been a big increase in new houses built close to the park. If it is successful our intention would be to make this a regular annual event.  The LSO will provide their time free but need to hire in a conductor and soloists for the concert. Other costs are associated with staging, music hire, PRS and insurances.

People from all sectors of the community will get the chance to experience a new activity in an outside location near to them. This may even give them the inspiration and motivation to explore the benefits of learning to play an instrument.

The project will be delivered to 500 plus people of all ages and backgrounds. They will benefit from the project by experiencing a new high quality activity which will motivate them to become more involved in local community initiatives and maybe even motivate them to take music up as a pastime. The volunteers will support the whole process and learn new skills i.e. project management, media skills, budgeting, promotion and community involvement. It will improve the lives of these people by offering a new experience in the open which will promote well-being and a sense of community action.


 Information about the programme will be produced in several languages and distributed to health professionals, agencies such as Age UK, Social Services, local Tenants association. Posters will be displayed in community organisations and local shops. The project will involve local volunteers giving their time to help organise, promote, play in the orchestra and rehearse. Volunteers will be recruited from the local and wider communities and is open to anyone over the age of 18 who is interested in supporting this concept. Individuals from certain ethnic groups may be less likely than others to access this provision - particularly Asian, Irish, eastern European, to ensure that these individuals participate we will recruit volunteers from these communities and ensure they have necessary training and support. We will also work with other organisations that work with these communities e.g. The Pragati group who use the same centre as us have already asked if support can be found for home visits for individuals who are to frail to travel to weekly meetings. Similarly with the Irish community we have very close working relationships with parish priests and community workers who have informed us of individuals who need extra support so they can improve their quality of lives.


Total Cost to the Community Meeting: £12466.75





Estimate or actual cost?

Sound System Hire



Staging Hire



Generator Hire



Rehearsal Room Hire



Music Hire, Additional Soloists and Conductor



Publicity, Printing and design 



Refreshments for musicians








Title of Proposal: St Andrew’s FC summer soccer scheme


Name of Group making the proposal: St Andrew’s FC.


The following details of the proposal have been submitted:


‘Soccer training for young people aged 6—14 in the Aylestone area: a repeat of the very successful programme run in summer 2007 and 2008,2009, 2010


12 hours of sports activities per week over the school holidays JulyAugust based at St Andrews Football Club.


Providing sports activities led by professional trainers for up to 50 children per day.


This will benefit local children by providing a safe opportunity for recreation and legitimate physical activity.  It will also help reduce anti-social behaviour within Aylestone by providing alternative interests for young people in the area. Guest coaches from Leicester city FC and ex players have also confirmed they will be attending.’


Total cost to the Community Meeting: £1500





Estimate or Actual cost

(E or A)?

Request to Ward Meeting


Sports trainers / coaches (x2)




(=10h per week for 5 weeks @ £10 per h)




Ground Hire




Equipment (balls, shin pads, etc.)










Title of Proposal: Improvements to Aylestone –Notice board, additional plant containers.


Name of Group making the proposal: Aylestone Local Action Group


The following details of the proposal have been submitted:


‘We are in our second year of our project to improve the locality of the shopping area around Aylestone Village. Having successfully participated in It’s Your Neighbourhood 2010 we want to continue to improve the locality and build upon our achievements.

Last year we installed planters and flower troughs, which residents claimed made a huge impact on the area. We would like to add four additional flower troughs filled with summer bedding plants on railings to enhance the areas where hanging baskets cannot be installed.i.e near Lloyds Chemist and on the corner of Wigston Lane.

Watering of the troughs, planters and hanging baskets is carried by a rota of volunteers. The safest method is to use water containers with a lance water feed.

Whilst fully maintaining the existing features we are this year hoping to widen the scope of our improvements. We want to hang six additional hanging baskets in Middleton Street and are also focussing our attention upon a strip of neglected land in Narrow Lane where we plan to plant shrubs. This will complement the soon to be re-planted brick flower bed at the end of Narrow Lane opposite the St Andrew’s Church. This is an ALAG initiative which  coincides the launch of ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ on 26th March and which coincides with One Clean Leicester to which we are committed and involved. We are also organising a Community Litter Pick on this day.

We attended the Green Light Festival at De Montfort University in February where we had a stall to publicise our projects and to attract new members. We are continually receiving positive feedback for our efforts and have a record of comments from residents with names and addresses supplied as evidence.

We have approached a local school regarding children providing artwork for posters for ‘It’s Your Neighbourhood’ 2011. This was favourably received by the Head Teacher.


All of the above will enhance the local environment and promote civic pride within local residents and local businesses, schools and groups. All benefit from these improvements as do the general public who travel through this important route into the city.


Many residents, Churches and groups have expressed an interest in having a community notice board. Almost all other areas both within the city and county have these.  We are investigating various sites and whilst it is unlikely (at the moment) that highways can accommodate a freestanding type on highways land, we are confidant that a solution can be founds with a wall based style.

We are approaching local businesses and are confident that there will be a successful outcome.’


Total cost to the Community Meeting: £3500.






Notice Board ‘Wellingborough’ type from Broxap






Additional planters/shrub containers



Plants, weed control liner, Bark chip, Plant feed








Title of the proposal: Saffron Fete


Name of Group making the proposal:  Saffron Fete Committee / Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd


The following details of the proposal have been submitted:


‘Proposal: to stage a Saffron Fete on Aylestone Recreation Ground on Saturday 20th August 2011


This will be a repeat of the Fete 2010, which was supported by this community committee in Saffron & Eyres Monsell.  We would very much like to extend the fete and get surrounding areas involvement as much as possible.  In order to be inclusive of all the areas we are asking for a small grant to help to promote this in the Aylestone & Knighton areas.


Last year we had in excess of 1500 Saffron, Eyres Monsell and Aylestone residents who had stalls or attended the event with over 34 stalls and information stands from the various community and local services as well as activities and events happening through out the day.  The event also included

the provision of a stage and sound rig, which provided the entertainment for the day, and gave particularly local young people, the opportunity to showcase their talents.


Plans are already underway to repeat the event this year and thus we are seeking similar funding support to ensure that the event can be run as successfully and safely as last year and build on the community spirit that resulted from the day.


Finance is sought to provide advertising and distribution for the event to publisise it adequately so that we give every opportunity for  the public from saffron and the surrounding areas to attend the fete.  Due to the increased amount of people who attended the Fete last year we also need to take out public liability insurance to cover those small community stalls that do not have and insurance. ‘


Total cost to the Community Meeting: £950





Estimate or actual cost?

Public Liability Insurance for the day



Administration & Materials



Advertising & Distribution








The Chair explained that the following budget applications had been received:


Aylestone Hall Gardens Summer Concert:


Submitted by: Friends of Aylestone Hall Gardens


Amount Requested: £12466.75


The meeting heard that this application had been withdrawn



St Andrew’s FC Summer Soccer Scheme


Submitted by: St Andrew’s FC.


Amount Requested: £1500.


Daniel Creed from the Football Club explained that a previous soccer scheme had been held in 2010 and had been successful. So far, there were 50 names on the list and the minimum age had been reduced to 5 years. It was agreed to support the bid, although it was noted that in some Wards, funding for such a project would only be allocated according to the percentage of participants who were actually resident in the Ward.



                        that the application be supported to the value of £1,500


Improvements to Aylestone - Notice Board and additional plant containers.


Submitted by: Aylestone Action Group


Amount Requested: £3,300 (and not £3,500 as detailed on the agenda)


A representative from the Aylestone Local Action Group explained that many other communities had a notice board and it was felt that this would be a benefit to everyone in the Ward. A possible location would be by the new Doctors’ surgery, but this was still to be confirmed. Arrangements for ensuring that the notice board was kept up to date had also been considered.


James Schadla-Hall, Member Support Officer to the Aylestone Community Meeting, stated that he had contacted the Handy Person’s service about the notice board and it seemed likely that this could be obtained from them at a more competitive price.



that the funding application be fully supported, but if possible for the notice board to be obtained through the Handy Person Service at a cheaper option.


Saffron Fete


Submitted by: Saffron Fete Committee / Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd.


Amount Requested: £950


The Chair explained that previously the policy of the Aylestone Community Meeting had been to only support projects that were held in the Ward. The Saffron Fete was held outside the Aylestone Ward and although it was recognised that people from Aylestone went to the fete, a decision to fund the event would mean a break from this policy.


Councillor Clarke responded that as people from Aylestone went to the fete, the event benefitted Aylestone in general. He added that he felt decisions on whether funding from the budget should be granted should be made on whether the project benefited Aylestone residents, rather than where the event was to be held. 


Members of the community were asked to indicate their preference for whether or not funding should be provided only for projects based in the Ward.


Of those who voted, 18 indicated that they only wished to fund projects based in the Aylestone Ward, and 11 indicated that they wish to fund projects based outside the Aylestone Ward.



that the funding application for the Saffron Fete be rejected because the event  would be held outside Aylestone Ward.