Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The meeting will receive an update on funding given by the Community Meeting and the budget for 2011/12.


The following budget applications will be considered:-


Application 1


Applicant: Leicestershire County Netball

Amount: £745

Proposal: Back to Netball

Summary: Working in partnership with NGB Officer for Netball, Physical Activity Officer for Leicester City Council and the Community Development Worker at Surestart they wish to pilot a 10 week course for women (16+) to get back into Netball at a local venue near to them. The sessions target mums at the Surestart group and is open to the local community.


Funding would go towards a venue and a Netball coach, while the Children’s Centre will offer free child care during the session to their parents who attend the Back to Netball group.


As an introductory offer for the 10 weeks the Back to Netball sessions will be £1 per Person, this will go up to £2 I the sessions are successful. The £1 charge will go towards funding and sustaining the sessions on a long term bases and contribute to a tournament event after the 10 week course.


Application 2


Applicant:Karod Kiran Arts

Amount: £1250/3 wards (Application also submitted to the Belgrave and Latimer wards)

Proposal: Diwali Get Together

Summary:Kardo Kiran Arts are planning an event of dance, music and celebrations on Sunday 30th October 2011 to mark the joyous festival of Diwali commonly known as the festival of lights. This will be a multi faith and multi cultural event, bringing people from all communities of Leicester to share in this joyous event.


The event would encourage and support the arts and cultural festival and in turn raise awareness and learning about other diverse cultures, customs and background.


Application 3


Applicant: Leicestershire Police

Amount: £500

Proposal:Rushey Mead Target Hardening Project

Summary: The Rushey Mead Beat team have begun a target hardening project within the area. Due to the location of the ward and the demographic make of the ward they have found there is an increased attraction to criminals to commit burglaries within the area.


In conjunction with pro-active police patrols and education they would like to offer free window/ door shock alarms. They are easy to install and give out a high pitch sound if the door/ window is broken or forced. A large amount of burglaries are though force/ smashed rear windows or doors.


Through using funding from various sources they hope to cover a large proportion of the ward.


Application 4


Applicant:Highfield Rangers

Amount: £2500

Proposal:Highfield Rangers Community Family Fun Day

Summary:Highfield Rangers Community Fun Day was celebrating 25 years of its existence on 29 May 2011. It is designed to promote community cohesion by delivering a series of activities primarily sports and live entertainment for families and the whole community. We organised storytelling, drama music and live performances from a range of local performers and sport events


We provided a platform for developing artists, plus those more established locally and nationally, so that audiences could witness the quality of performances available. Encouraging fledgling performers to recognize that in spite of personal difficulties, they still have something to contribute towards performing arts. Those attending were expected to reflect the diverse communities of Leicester, including newly arrived communities, which was encouraged through promotional and advertising efforts


The event was put on and due to serious, poor weather, the income anticipated to allow the event to break even, never materialised due to lack of numbers.


We are therefore, requesting support to enable us to pay creditors whose debts remain outstanding


Application 5


Applicant:The Friends of Watermead Country Park – Catherine Tregaskes, Secretary

Amount: £773

Proposal:The Friends of Watermead Family Discovery Day

Summary: The Friends of Watermead have been running the highly successful Family Discovery Day at Watermead Country Park for the past 5 years, with the event growing in scope and popularity each year. The event showcases to the local community what a fantastic resource Watermead park is. Last year was our biggest event yet with a large number of interesting, relevant and fun and inclusive stalls for people to join in with. The event is relevant to the whole of the local community as we can all visit and appreciate the park, and try our hand at the traditional and interactive activities.


The activities are of direct relevance to Watermead and will include use of a shave horse with traditional tools, willow weaving using materials that can be sourced from the park, alongside traditional story tellers and a range of local clubs and societies. The money we are requesting will be spent on running a Family Discovery Day event during the summer of 2011 (13th August).


The costs will be much less than we have asked for in previous years, as we have been able to borrow a marquee, and provision of toilets, a story teller and the play rangers are being funded from different budgets. The money requested will be used to provide first aid cover for the event as well as payment for some of the craftspeople and attractions such as a face-painter. Many more people will also give their time and equipment for free adding to the success of the event.


The success of the event will be measured by the number of people attending and participating in the activities as well as in the increased profile of Watermead in the local area and the wider city. We feel that this event would also provide an ideal opportunity for the ward councillors and committee to promote their work and meetings, so we would like to offer a display space in the marquee if required.



Jerry Connolly. Member Support Officer, introduced applications for funding that had been received and they were considered as follows:


Back To Netball, Leicestershire County Netball

It was reported that as many people as possible would be assisted by the project, estimated at 20 or more.


AGREED: that the request for funding of £745 be supported.


Diwal Get together, Karod Kirn Arts

It was noted that Belgrave and Latimer Community Meeting had referred the bid to the Diwali Working Party as it was a city wide project.


AGREED: that the application be rejected as it was not for the sole benefit of people in the ward.


Leicestershire Police, Target Hardening Project

It was noted that the actual amount requested should be £1000. It would pay for security measures for households to reduce burglary.


AGREED: That the request for £1000 be supported.


Highfields Rangers, Community Family Fun Day

It was noted that this application was to cover losses at the family fun day which suffered from very bad weather. The meeting felt that it was important to allow the group to continue by supporting them with some losses on the understanding that they insure against such eventualities in the future. Some concern was voiced about what else the money could be spent on. It was noted that £2500 was requested, but that the group would accept whatever could be offered.


AGREED: that the community meeting support the provision of £1500.


Friends of Watermead Country Park, family Discovery Day

It was noted that the group were succeeding in obtaining more funds from other sources, so the bid was much reduced from last year.


AGREED: that the request for £773 be supported.


The following applications were reported verbally to the meeting.


Summer activities/soccer sports play scheme

This application would be of benefit for Rushey Mead residents only and would accommodate 15 or more people.


AGREED: that the request for £1970 be supported.


Ganesh’s Accessible Trips & Events

This project was to provide trips for older Asian people with a range of issues, including physical and mental health challenges. Members felt that more information was required and that the project would cover Rushey Mead, Belgrave and Latimer.


AGREED: that the community meeting support the funding of £1000 in principle, subject to satisfactory checks and agreement from Latimer and Belgrave to fund £1000 each.


 Bhangra Steps

This project was to provide exercise. Although mixed sessions were offered, all attendees were female.


AGREED: that the application for £480 be supported.


A resident complained that some applications were reported verbally and asked for paper copies to be circulated in future.