Agenda item


Members will provide an update on the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward Action Plan.


Councillor Cooke presented the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward Community Action Plan 2011-15.


He explained that the plan was intended to be a live document and was an audit of things which needed addressing.


A resident raised concern at the communal garden at the back of a bungalow on the corner of Folville Road and Audley End. He stated that then garden was in a poor condition and he did not have the physical ability to maintain. Councillor Cooke stated a lot of poor ground maintenance had been discovered in the ward following patchwalks. He informed residents that officers had been taken around the ward and shown the issues and had been questioned how they would deal with them. A resident stated that Parks Services were now only servicing twice a year where previously they used to service the area six times a week.


Residents also raised the following additional concerns:


·         Further concern was raised regarding the trees on Hallam Crescent East as they were blocking light from the street lamps.


·         A wasps nest in the chimney hearth. Councillor Cooke recommended contacting the Council’s pest control service.


·         Some residents raised concern that there were events being held in Braunstone Park however these were not being advertised. They suggested that a list of events be provided. Councillor Cooke agreed to look into this issue.


Councillor Cooke outlined some of the big issues that were included in the action plan, these included:


·         Braunstone Hall – it was reported that the previous developer could not afford the repairs to the hall and therefore the Council had sold the land and used the money however this had contravened tendering laws therefore a retendering process had taken place. There had been three more interests in the hall, one of the interested parties had submitted their scheme for the hall while the other two had until September to submit theirs.

·         Health and Health Inequalities – It was reported that Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields had one of the poorest rates of Health Inequalities. Residents were informed that there would be a strategy to tackle this issue in the ward.

·         Educational Standard and Skills – It was reported that the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields ward had one of the lowest levels of educational attainment. Residents were informed that a Steering Group had been formed to tackle this issue and it was hoped to develop an educational strategy.

·         Assimilating New Arrivals – It was reported that conversations on this issue had been held with the Race Equality Council. Residents were informed that B-Inspired had looked at a project to assist new arrivals with providers and services coming together. Councillor Cooke reported that work had also been done with people on the electoral register.


A resident stated that there had been talk of forming a ‘Friends of Braunstone Park Group however the Council’s Parks Services had stated that there had been no interest on this in the community. He requested that the Members take this issue forward.


With regards to traffic and streets issues highlighted in the plan, residents were informed that these had been passed onto one of the Highways and Transport officers at the Council and he had been told to compile a plan to deal with the mentioned issues.


A resident raised concern that scrap metal dealers were taking metal from households in the ward without any permission. It was suggested that the registration numbers of the vehicles be noted and passed onto the environment team at the City Council.


Concern was raised regarding bins being left out on streets. The City Warden for the Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields Ward informed residents that a £110 fixed penalty could be imposed on people who left their bins out. However it was first aimed to resolve this issue through contact with the house owner.


It was reported that the Football Foundation had targeted the Riverside school fields as an ideal location for football pitches following the rejection of the scheme at Aylestone Meadows. It was felt that Ellesmere School should be located at the Riverside site. Residents were informed that there would be consultation sessions held at Manor House Community Centre for this. With regards to the Manor House Community Centre playing fields, it was reported there was proposal for five a side football pitches to be installed on this location. Additionally it was stated that the land next to St Mary’s School would become play facilities.


Another key issue which was had been found during Member patch walks was the restricted access to the Great Central Way.


Councillor Cooke reported that he had visited the headmaster of Riverside School to ensure year nine students were allowed to attend the school of their choice for their GCSEs and there would be another meeting with the Head Teacher before the school closed.


A resident raised concern at the lorries driving down Evelyn Drive.


Residents were informed that paper copies of the plan were able to be provided or residents could be emailed if they wished.