Agenda item


Councillor Draycott submits a report detailing the priorities of the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) in 2002/3 and 2003/4. The report also seeks to establish a scheme of delegation for spending the fund and future monitoring and reporting arrangements. The Cabinet is asked to; approve the priorities developed and funding allocations agreed by the Leicester Partnership; approve the use of the balanced scorecard as a pre-evaluation tool; approve delegated authority to approve individual proposals; approve a two stage process for approving individual projects; approve virement to take place under certain circumstances and request 6 monthly progress reports be submitted to the Leicester Partnership and the Cabinet Briefing on Regeneration and Renewal. 


Councillor Draycott submitted a report detailing the priorities of the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund (NRF) in 2002/3 and 2003/4. The report also sought to establish a scheme of delegation for spending the fund and future monitoring and reporting arrangements.


Councillor Draycott noted that the process for allocating funding was different this year compared to last year’s bidding process. The Leicester Partnership now had the main role in allocating the funds. She also noted there was now a core programme that benefited the whole of the City and there was the partnership programme which allocated 81% of the fund to 6 Community Plan themed partnerships and a new cultural partnership.


She also reported that following a request from Councillor Walker a full report had been submitted  to the Housing Scrutiny Committee.


The Chair also reported that the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund Sub-Group of the Leicester Partnership was currently considering proposals for the funding and they were addressing the issue of funding to hard to reach communities. He also noted that a letter of support had been received from the Government for the money allocated for the administrative support to the Leicester Partnership.



(1)that the priorities developed, and the funding allocations  agreed, by the Leicester Partnership at its meeting on 24 April 2002 and detailed in paragraphs 4 and 5 and table 2 of the report, be approved;


(2)that the balanced score card as appended to the report be approved and it’s use as a pre evaluation tool, be confirmed;


(3)that delegated authority be given to the Corporate Directors for Housing and/or Culture and Neighbourhood Renewal in consultation with Cabinet Lead for Housing and Neighbourhood Renewal to approve individual proposals that meet the requirements of the balanced score card and are agreed by the NRF sub group of the Leicester Partnership;


(4) that a two stage process be adopted for approving individual projects with the following timetable:


Stage One

-At least 50 % of proposals submitted to the City Core Regeneration Team by 15 May 2002

-The Neighbourhood Renewal Fund Sub-Group meet to discuss these on 20 May 2002

-Technical appraisal using the scorecard given from 15 May 2002

-Final approvals (under the scheme of delegation in 3 above) given from 24 May 2002


Stage Two

-All outstanding proposals to be submitted by 28 June 2002

-The Neighbourhood Renewal Fund Sub-Group meet to discuss these on 3 July 2002

-Technical appraisal using the score card given from 28 June 2002

-Final approvals (under the scheme of delegation in 3 above) given from 5 July 2002


(5)that in the event that any partnership or core activity did not put forward proposals by the timetable given in 4 above or in the view of the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund Sub Group had failed to submit proposals that met the score card (see paragraph 7 of the report) after support and opportunities to resubmit had been given, the amount of outstanding funding be vired between and within partnership and core activities to ensure the full and appropriate use of the fund, the cut off point to be the end of August in each year; in addition if any partnership forecast an underspend on their allocation, any underspend to be vired between and within partnership and core activities; underspends to be identified from December in each financial year;


(6)that progress reports to be presented 6 monthly at   meetings of the Leicester Partnership, and Cabinet briefing on Regeneration and Renewal.

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