Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The following applications for grants are submitted for consideration:-


Application 1: Safta’s Volunteer Awards Ceremony

Applicant: Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd

Amount: £700


To deliver a volunteer award ceremony for Saffron Volunteers


This is to celebrate and recognise the great work that volunteers do in their community.  This will be an evening of fun and entertainment for the volunteers themselves to enjoy and receive and award from a prominent figure within the city.


This years planned ceremony we hope will be themed around heroes and super stars that improved lives for the better.  We also plan to have more entertainment and an adequate buffet to say a huge Thank You!!


Application 2: Joining two communities through gymnastics project

Applicant: Catch 22

Amount: £300 (plus £300 to Eyres Monsell Community Meeting)

Description: The project will engage existing core Junior Youth Inclusion Project young people from Saffron Lane/ Eyres Monsell with existing core JYIP young people in New Parks in a joint weekly gymnastics session at New colleges’ purpose built international standard gymnasium. We are proposing to start w/c 3/10/11 to run for 8 weeks after school. We would need to transport young people to New Parks on a weekly basis and cover the cost of the qualified coach and venue charges.


We currently work with 40 core Children and Young People (20 in each location) 8-12 years, who have been identified as being at risk of becoming/ or are, involved in offending behaviours. The young people involved in the project will be less likely to be involved in ASB or criminal activity because of the stability that being involved in something positive and meaningful can provide. The project will bring together young people from different communities. Also focusing on improving the young people’s confidence, self discipline, self control and concentration and ultimately behaviour towards others.


Application 3: Supporting our artistic youth

Applicant: Pink Lizard

Amount: £3,504

Description: The proposal is to continue delivering sessions in the Arts for young people in the (SEAK) areas for six months while we seek funding from the arts council and other funding bodies who support youth in development. The sessions will be delivered at Samworth Academy. If successful the project will continue straight away.


The project sees young people from 10-18 being taught skills in acting dance, singing guitar and music tuition, play and song writing. The project has been running for one and a half years, funded by Saffron Arts before running out. Since starting the project our numbers have risen to 22 young people attending regularly two times a week for two hours a session.


Application 4: Wheelchairs

Applicant: Saffron Support for Elderly People

Amount: £320

Description: We would like to purchase four new wheelchairs so we can continue to offer assistance to those with mobility issues. Our current chairs are coming to the end of their lives. Having wheelchairs helps us to get isolated older people out and about and involved in their local community.


Officers reported that the following applications for funding had been received:-


i)             Applications Fast Tracked since the last meeting


·         Linwood Centre – 25th Birthday                                      £500

·         STARS Freestyle Dance Academy                                £500

·         Supporting our Artistic Youth (Pink Lizard)                  £500

·         Empress Roller Skating – European Championship   £500


ii)            Applications for consideration at this meeting


1)    SAFTAS                                                                                      £700

Application from Saffron Community Enterprises Ltd. To part fund the annual Safta’s Volunteer Awards Ceremony. The ceremony was last held in February 2011 and a date and venue had yet to be finalised for the next ceremony. The event was also part funded by the NHS.



                              that the application be fully supported - £700.


2)    Catch 22                                                                                      £300

Application received on behalf of the Saffron/Eyres Monsell Junior Youth Involvement project to part fund a ‘joining two communities through gymnastics project’. A similar bid has also been submitted to Eyres Monsell Community Meeting.


Officers reported that there were some issues to resolve regarding the application and that further information had been sought from the applicants but was not yet forthcoming. A meeting between the Ward Councillors and the project was due to take place the following week.



that the Community Meeting is minded to approve application, pending the successful outcome of the meeting with the project.


3)    Pink Lizard – Supporting our Artistic Youth                          £3504

Application split between Freemen and Eyres Monsell Community Meetings to fund sessions for youths to teach acting, dance , singing, guitar and music.


It was reported that a grant from the Arts Council for England was also pending. Further information on the application had been sought by officers but was still awaited.



that the application be DEFERRED pending the supply of further information requested on the number of local youths to benefit from the project and of the decision from the Arts Council for England. The Ward Councillors for Eyres Monsell Ward would also be appraised of the situation.


4)    Wheelchairs                                                                               £320

Application from SAFF Support for Elderly People, based at Southfields Drive Community Centre, to fund the purchase of four wheelchairs to enable SAFF Support to be able to take local residents out on trips. A similar bid had been submitted to Eyres Monsell Community Meetings and had been approved.



                              that the application be fully supported - £320.


5)    Saffron Acres                                                                             (£821)

It was reported that this application for £1821 had been submitted to the last meeting where £1,000 had been granted with agreement that the balance be presented to this meeting. It was reported that the funding was to continue and expand the work previously started to encourage local youths to grow their own vegetables and to prepare and cook them on site.



that the balance of the application be fully supported - £821.


iii)           Other Applications


Saffron Directory

Officers reported that an application had previously been deferred pending a discussion on the future of the Directory.


It was reported that work on the Directory had been delayed but that it was anticipated that it now would be launched in January and 2012 and that the application should therefore be deferred for the time being.



that the application be DEFERRED until the next meeting.