Agenda item


Councillor Holden submits a report informing the Cabinet of the tendering and selection processes used to procure Architectural Services for the new Performing Arts Centre and seeking approval to appoint the preferred Architectural Practice. The report also informs the Cabinet of progress made on the options study to select the site for the development of the Creative Industries Workspaces. The Cabinet is asked; in regard to the Performing Arts Centre, to approve a number of recommendations regarding appointing architects and quantity surveyors, the funding for the work and authorising the relevant contracts to be entered in to; in regard to the Creative Industries Workspaces to approve recommendations regarding the site for the Workspaces, the consultants and the contractors to undertake work on the Workspaces and to authorise the relevant contracts to be entered in to.   


Councillor Holden submitted a report informing the Cabinet of the tendering and selection processes used to procure Architectural Services for the new Performing Arts Centre and seeking approval to appoint the preferred Architectural Practice. The report also informed the Cabinet of the progress made on the options study to select the site for the development of the Creative Industries Workspaces.


Councillor Holden commented that the report represented an important part in the process of developing the Cultural Quarter project. He also stated this would be a landmark building and would be used by all sections of the community. He hoped that the proposed Creative Industries Workspaces would provide facilities for local artists who previously would have left the City and to attract artists from elsewhere.



                        In regard to the new Performing Arts Centre:-


(1) that an Architectural practice be appointed to provide the architectural design services for the Performing Arts Centre (the decision on which architectural practice is detailed at minute 78);


(2) that the acting Director of Cultural Services and Neighbourhood Renewal be authorised to instruct the Architects to undertake design work to RIBA Stage E incurring expenditure up to £600,000 utilising funds allocated to the Cultural Quarter within the Councils approved Capital programme;


(3) that the acting Director of Cultural Services and Neighbourhood Renewal, in consultation with the Cabinet Members Working Group, be authorised to appoint Quantity Surveying consultants for the Performing Arts Centre at an estimated cost of £100,000 for QS work to RIBA stage E;


(4) that the acting Director of Cultural Services and Neighbourhood Renewal, in consultation with the Cabinet Members Working Group, be authorised to submit a Stage 2 application to the Arts Council of England for a contribution of £300,000 from the £10 million ringfenced for this project towards the cost of developing the Architectural Design for the new Performing Arts Centre;


(5) that the acting Director of Cultural Services and Neighbourhood Renewal, in consultation with the Cabinet Members Working Group, be authorised to instruct the architects and Quantity Surveyor to progress work on RIBA stages F – L and to determine the form of procurement, seek tenders and accept the tender which is most advantageous to the Council for other consultants to complete the design team at the appropriate time and in accordance with the approved budget and funding profile for the scheme; to that extent contract procedure rules paragraphs 6.1(a), 7.3(a), 7.5 and 8 be waived to enable the use of the negotiated procedure as allowed under EU public procurement rules subject to the acting Director being satisfied that all conditions of funding are satisfied and value for money is obtained; and


(6) that the Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into the appropriate contracts to progress the design phase of the new Performing Arts Centre.


In regard to the Creative Industries Workspaces:-


(1) that the acting Corporate Director of Cultural Services & Neighbourhood Renewal, in consultation with the Cabinet Members Working Group, be authorised to select the most appropriate site for the Creative Industries Workspaces;


(2) that the acting Director of Cultural Services and Neighbourhood Renewal, in consultation with the Cabinet Members Working Group, be authorised to determine the form of procurement, seek tenders and accept the tender which is most advantageous to the Council, for  consultants and contractors (architects, QS etc) as appropriate to progress the design and refurbishment of the former Bus Depot on Rutland Street for the Creative Industries Workspaces Centre, utilising a maximum of £1.3 million from the Councils approved Capital programme; to that extent contract procedure rules paragraphs 6.1(a), 7.3(a), 7.5 and 8 be waived to enable the use of the negotiated procedure as allowed under EU public procurement rules subject to the acting Director being satisfied that all conditions of funding are satisfied and value for money is obtained; and


(3) that the Head of Legal Services be authorised to enter into the appropriate contracts to progress the design and construction phases of the Creative Industries Workspaces programme and project.

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