Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The meeting will receive an update on the Evington Community Meeting budget.


The following funding applications have been received:


Ref: 2086 Proposal: Make do and Mend


Applicant: Kaine Management Ltd

Amount requested: £825


Details of the application as submitted by the applicant:

This grant is to run the ‘Make Do & and Mend’ Programme in early 2013.  A programme that seeks to engage with elderly people in residential homes who will partake in arts & craft skills like rug making, knitting and crocheting The project will run in Arbour House Residential Home in Evington Village, where the residents are isolated with varying degrees of mental health issues. They will have 2 hour classes/week in crafts over 12 weeks.  Kaine Management will use young tutors and young volunteers to support the delivery of the programme. These will be sourced from local colleges and community groups and some of the young people who are already engaged with the organisation in youth groups.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

The project will culminate with a photo exhibition and display of works that the residents have completed as well as allow them to share their experiences of the project and what they have learned. 

The grant will cover the cost of materials, tutors and co-ordinator to run the project, overheads, travel and recording and archiving of the project. 

The applicant states that a recent pilot project that they ran at Danbury Gardens and Wolsey Extra Care Nursing Homes was very successful and the positive feedback from all involved has inspired them to seek further funding to support more of this work in additional residential homes. The implementation of this project is needed because it: -

·         Reduces isolation felt by residents

·         Brings them into contact with new people (especially young people)

·         Reduces the speed of deterioration of their lives

·         Teaches them new skills

·         Allows them to feel a valued part of society

Kaine Management have discussed this with the unit hall manager who is very keen for her residents to be involved.

Funding is requested to pay for a project co-ordinator, tutor, craft supplies, volunteer travel, documentation and archiving.



Ref: 2087 Proposal: Skill and Teamwork development via 5-a-side football


Applicant: Nindy Uppelle of Olympia Sport Academy UK

Amount Requested: £500


Details of the application


In a further attempt to advance the skills and communication between FC Olympia players, Olympia Sport Academy would like to encourage the 14 players to participate in 5-a-side football at Goals, Leicester.


The events will be organised and administered by the staff of Goals, hence the cost that includes the facility use.


The project will prove successful in the short term via winning 11-a-side football games. In the long term it will build team spirit and understanding, and maybe provide career paths for those interested.


Funding is requested for pay for games at Goals, travel costs to Goals, Level 3 and Level 2 coaches for training.


Ref: 2088 Proposal: Friends of Evington’s wildflower meadows for ‘Evington in Bloom’


Applicant: Helen Pettman

Amount requested: £490


Details of the application


Funding is requested to purchase good quality seed for sowing areas of land that will be full of wildflowers. The seed will be sown in April and it is planned that it will look its best in July when the judges from East Midlands in Blooom and the Royal Horticultural Society will come to look around Evington. The seed will be sown in areas of high visibility or with particular environmental interest and will include Evington Village Green, Sedgebrook Park, Headland Road and somewhere around Gamel Road.


Funding is requested for a diverse mix of wildflower (5 kgs).


Ref 2089 Proposal: Christmas Tree for Evington Village for the next 2 years


Applicant: Evington Youth Club

Amount requested: £1200


Details of the application


For the past three years the management of Evington Youth Club has managed the Christmas Tree in Evington Village. The applicant states that it was very successful again this year and they aim to see it continue. Around 60 people attended the Christmas songs and carols at the youth club.


Funding is requested for Christmas trees (x 2), lights, electricity (x2), brass bands (x 2) and refreshments.


Ref 2090 Proposal: Screening to provide privacy to neighbours of school


Applicant: Laura O’Brien Chair of Governors at St Paul’s Secondary, Leicester

Amount requested: £2500


Details of the application


Prior to the planning application for the BSF programme at St Paul’s, the applicant, project managers of the BSF team and Cllr Bajaj met with local residents who were objecting to the plans for the new build on the site, because of concerns re their privacy in their back gardens being reduced due to the new building potentially overlooking their gardens. It was suggested at this meeting that improving the screening between their gardens and the school would be a solution.


The residents have made representations to the school requesting additional screening. The school does not have the budget to fund the screening hence the application to the ward fund. It has been agreed between the residents and the school that there will be a finite pot of money which will be used to support the residents to have additional screening done, the money for which will be given on production of the work done and an invoice given to the school. In the interests of community cohesion and as a measure of good will towards their neighbours with whom they need to build lasting bridges, the applicant requests funding which will be used to provide support for additional screening.


Funding of £2500 is requested for screening.


Ref 2094 Proposal: Evington Friendship Club


Applicant: Mrs Valerie Ridsdale

Amount requested: £500


Details of the application


The Evington Friendship Club is a group of pensioners who meet every Monday afternoon at Evington Park House. They go on outings and have speakers approximately every 6 weeks. They hire a bus with a lift to get some of the members onto the bus (the oldest member if 97 years of age). They pay a quarterly subscription and a weekly fee to cover the cost of room rental. They have a stall every year at the fete and hold bring and buy sales to raise funds. Unfortunately the costs each year increase and insurance is very expensive because of the age of members. Members are asked to pay part of the cost of the bus hire plus the cost of their meal. For many members this is their only outing each week. The Club would be very grateful for funding from the community meeting budget once again.


Funding of £500 is requested towards the cost of transport, rent, speakers and insurance.


Ref: 2092 Proposal: Noticeboards for Ethel Road flats


Applicant: Mrs Gwen Clifford – committee members of Friends of Evington

Amount requested: £150


Details of the application


The proposal is for 5 community noticeboards for the Ethel Road flats; one for each house. They will be placed on the walls within each block and allow residents to post up their own notices.


Funding is requested for 5 wooden surround notice boards and fixings.


Ref: 2093 Proposal: CFA Open Day and Presentation (Joint bid to Evington and Spinney Hill Wards)


Applicant: Ahmed Maravia (Community Football Academy)

Amount requested: £ 350 - £450


Details of the application


The applicant proposes to have an open evening / awards ceremony on Saturday 18 May at Judgemeadow Community College. The audience will be made up of children between the ages of 5 – 13 years of age, parents, adults and various organisations within the diverse local communities of Leicester within the inner city areas.


The aim of the event is promotion and awareness of the organisation which engages community cohesion. It will give them an opportunity to reflect on the past year, hopefully attract newcomers and volunteers as well as giving them a chance to thank existing members, volunteers and partnership organisations. The highlight of this year’s event will be the celebration of the addition of girl’s football at grass roots.


Funding is requested towards the cost of the hire of the Judgemeadow Auditorium, trophies, advertising and promotional materials and equipment.


Ref: 2094 Proposal: Hosting a health awareness day for women in aid of International Women’s Day.  (Joint bid between Evington, Coleman, Charnwood, Spinney Hill and Stoneygate)


Applicant: Sahara Centre

Amount requested: £307.50 from Evington (a total of £1730 is requested from all the wards).


Details of the application.


The Sahara Centre is based at AK Fitness, a women’s only gym, based in an inner city area and predominantly South Asian area of Leicester. The majority of women using the gym are of Asian and Muslim background. International Women’s Day is a great opportunity to celebrate their personal achievements and to create a platform to get positive health messages out to women who can be hard to reach because of their cultural / society norms.


The Health Awareness Day will take place on 9 March at AK’s fitness Centre, Temple Road and there will be a variety of activities and events including:


·         Health checks for the over 40s

·         Bone marrow donor drive

·         Breast examination demo

·         Cervical smear teat info

·         Info on urinary incontinence information

·         Info on depression

·         Info on the harmful effects of smoking shisha

·         Cooking demo’s

·         Small business/ enterprise marketing advice

·         Volunteering advice

Funding is requested from the Evington Ward towards the cost of venue hire, food (£4.50 per head x 200), refreshments, drinks, prizes for an award night and advertising.


Ref 2095 Proposal: Global Hands Youth – CommUNITY Day (Joint bid to Evington, Coleman and Spinney Hill Wards.


Applicant: Global Hands Leicester

Amount requested: £700 (a total of £2100 is requested from the three wards).


Global Hands Youth (18) are made up of five different religious groups. They plan an event to bring people of different races, ethnicities and faiths together to explore their commonalities and differences through food, music, dance and games from different cultures. The event will bring together 250 people and they will have close encounters with people of different faiths and races for the first time. The event will be an interactive event for the whole family with an opportunity to learn from others through food, music, dance and games. They intend to have activities such as archery, video games, crossbar challenge, bouncing castle, carom and mendhi.  It is also hoped that the Fire Service and the Police will be present to talk about issues such as drugs and playing with fire.


Funding of £700 from the Evington Ward is requested towards the cost of staffing, venue hire, project materials, follow up activity and publicity.


The Chair presented the Evington Community Meeting budget. The following funding applications had been considered by the councillors and their decisions on the funding bids were as follows:


Ref 2086 Proposal: Make do and Mend


Applicant: Kaine Management Ltd

Amount requested: £825



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £500.


Ref 2087 Proposal: Skill and Teamwork development via 5-a-side football.


Applicant: Nindy Uppelle of Olympia Sport Academy UK

Amount requested: £500



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £500


Ref 2088 Proposal: Friends of Evington’s wildflower meadows for “Evington in Bloom”.


Applicant: Helen Pettman

Amount requested: £490



                        that the application be supported to the value of £300


Ref 2089 Proposal: Christmas Tree for Evington village for the next 2 years.


Applicant: Evington Youth Club

Amount requested: £1200



                        that the funding application be supported to the value of £1150


Ref 2090 Proposal: Screening to provide privacy to neighours of school


Applicant: Laura O’Brien, Chair of Governors at St Paul’s Secondary, Leicester


Amount requested: £2500



                        that the application be unsupported



Ref 2091 Proposal: Evington Friendship Club


Applicant: Mrs Valerie Ridsdale

Amount requested: £500



                        that the application be supported to the value of £315


Ref 2092 Proposal: Noticeboards for Ethel Road flats


Applicant: Mrs Gwen Clifford – committee member of Friends of Evington

Amount requested: £150


The Chair informed the meeting that this funding application had been withdrawn.



that it be noted that the funding application for noticeboards for Ethel Road flats be withdrawn.


Ref 2093 Proposal: CFA Open Day and Presentation (joint bid to Evington and Spinney Hill Wards).


Applicant: Ahmed Maravia (Community Football Academy)

Amount requested: £350 - £450



                        that he application be supported to the value of £200


Ref 2094 Proposal: Hosting a health awareness day for women in aid of International Women’s Day (joint bit between Evington, Coleman, Charnwood, Spinney Hill and Stoneygate).


Applicant: Sahara Centre

Amount requested: £307.50 from the Evington Ward,



                        that the application be supported to the value of £307



Ref 2095 Proposal: Global Hands Youth – CommUNITY Day (Joint bid to Evington, Coleman and Spinney Hill Wards)


Applicant: Global Hands Leicester

Amount requested: £700 from the Evington Ward.



                        that the application be supported to the value of £500



The following funding application was submitted too late for inclusion on the agenda:


REF 2097 Proposal: Coleman Evergreen’s Summer Outings


Applicant: Coleman Evergreen’s

Amount requested £200 from the Evington Ward.



                        that the application be unsupported.


The Chair explained that once the above funding bids that the councillors had supported were approved, the Evington community meeting budget for 2012/13 would be fully committed.


Action to be taken

Officer identified


That the funding applications that the councillors had agreed to support be submitted to Councillor Sood, Assistant City Mayor for Community Involvement, Partnerships and Equalities for approval.

Carine Cardoza, Partnership and Strategy Officer

As soon as possible.