Agenda item



a)         Scheduling of Football and Rugby Matches


Residents raised concerns that, on occasions, Leicester City Football Club and Leicester Tigers Rugby Club had both played at home on the same day.  It had been understood that a condition of approving the new ground and stands had been that the two clubs would not do this.  The Ward Members confirmed that there was an event management advisory group that tried to avoid this happening, but it was possible that if a match was being televised it was unavoidable.



That the Ward Members make enquiries in to why Leicester City Football Club and Leicester Tigers Rugby Club both played at home on the same day.


b)        “To Let” Signs on Student Houses


The Chair advised that a meeting between the Councillors for this Ward and Westcotes Ward was scheduled for 12 December 2012.  This was being held to consider whether it would be feasible to introduce new planning rules governing “To Let” signs on student houses and to prevent more houses being taken in to multiple occupation in general.


The Ward Members undertook to keep the Community Meeting informed of progress in these matters.


c)         Closure of Mill Lane


Residents were reminded that a request had been made at the last meeting for a road traffic survey to be undertaken to observe the change in traffic flows in the area of Mill Lane following its closure, (minute 71(ii), “Any Other Business”, referred).


It was noted that a meeting had been held with City Council’s Transport Development Officer to survey the traffic using Jarrom Street.  Information on how the problems with traffic in that road could be resolved would be brought to the next meeting.


Jit Pandya of De Montfort University explained that it was hoped that the University’s proposals for improving the situation would be received before Christmas 2012.  These would be reported to the next meeting.



1)    That representatives of De Montfort University be asked to present proposals for improving the traffic situation in the area around Mill Lane at the next Community Meeting;


2)    That proposals from the City Council for improving traffic flows in Jarrom Street be presented to the next Community Meeting; and


3)    That the City Council’s Transport Development Officer be asked to come to the next Community Meeting to explain how the traffic survey in Jarrom Street was conducted.


d)        Leaves on Streets


In response to a request from residents, Nik Krneta, City Warden with Leicester City Council, undertook to:-


·           arrange for the leaves accumulating in Jarrom Street to be cleared; and


·           investigate whether blockages to drains on the Ring Road were being caused by leaves not being removed and to arrange for any necessary remedial action to be taken.


e)         Permitted Areas for Cycling


A resident asked if the regulations governing where people were permitted to cycle could be displayed in the city.


It was noted that a balance needed to be achieved between enforcement and having large signs around the city, but information on permitted areas could be requested from City Council transport officers.


It was noted that De Montfort University had a transport co-ordinator who could be asked to make the information available for students.



1)    That City Council transport officers be asked to provide information on cycle routes and areas where it is permitted for people to cycle in the city; and


2)    That the De Montfort University transport co-ordinator be asked to make information available for students on cycle routes and areas where it is permitted for people to cycle in the city.


f)          Arrangements for Future Meetings


Residents were invited to give their views on arrangements for future Community Meetings, (for example, venues, the time of meetings, or any other suggestions to improve arrangements).