Agenda item


Councillor Patel submits a report.


Councillor Patel submitted a report informing the Cabinet of the latest situation with the above project and seeking various approvals to enable the letting of the road construction contract.




(1)that public notice be given of the intention to appropriate that strip of land shown for identification purposes only on the plan attached to the report and marked ‘VREE’ (Victoria Road East Extension), for highway purposes and if no objections are received that the land be so appropriated;


(2)that authority be delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity in consultation with the Lead Members for Finance and Resources, and Cultural Services and Neighbourhood Renewal, to:-


(i)consider any objections received to the public notice(s), and

ii) to authorise the appropriation of the land if, having regard to any objections received, it is considered that the appropriation should proceed.

                        (3)            that should the appropriation proceed:-


a) approval is given to the terms for the joint funding of the Victoria Road East Extension and Lewisher Road Link on the basis set out in 1.2 of the Supporting Information.


b)approval is delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity to complete negotiations and agree the necessary Heads of Terms with the Secretary of State for Health, Gipsy Lane Brickworks Ltd. and the Trustee of Humberstone and Elms Farm Trust, as indicated in the Supporting Information


c)approval is delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity to accept the most economically advantageous tenders for the construction of the Victoria Road East Extension, and Lewisher Road Link and associated works


d)the Head of Legal Services is authorised to enter into the legal documentation necessary for the construction of the Victoria Road East Extension and Lewisher Road Link; this to include any associated contracts; the transfer of land to the Council from Gipsy Lane Brickworks Ltd., from the Council to Gipsy Lane Brickworks Ltd., and from the Secretary of State for Health to the City Council, as set out in 1.3 to 1.5 and 1.10 of the Supporting Information; the release of the restrictive covenant; and the contribution agreements


e)approval is given to:-


i)commitment to the management plan dated January 2002 (ref. CS/1039) for the Site of Special Scientific Interest on Land adjacent to the Lewisher Road Link,




ii)an application for the variation of condition 12 of planning consent 981079 (dated 22/1/99) to delete the reference to a s.106 agreement.


f)approval is delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources, Access and Diversity in consultation with the Lead member for Finance and Resources to vary the funding terms for the Victoria Road East Extension / Lewisher Road Link if this proves necessary to secure their construction.


The full decision is recorded in the private section of the Minutes as it contains exempt information as defined in Paragraph 8 of Schedule 12 of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, that is, the amount of any expenditure proposed to be incurred by the authority under any particular contract for the acquisition of property or the supply of goods or services.