Agenda item


Councillor Westley submits a report presenting the final report of a cross-thematic Best Value Review which looks at all Heritage Services strategically and the Museums Service in depth. The report summarises the findings of the review and recommends strategic directions for both areas and a detailed improvement plan. The Cabinet is asked to agree a number of strategic principles which arise from the report and to agree to detailed implementation proposals as detailed in the supporting information.


Copies of the Final Report of the Heritage Services Best Value Review have been attached for Members of the Cabinet only. Copies of this document can by obtained from the Council’s Website ( or by phoning Committee Services on (0116) 252 6022.


Councillor Westley submitted a report presenting the final report of a cross thematic Best Value Review which looked at all Heritage Services strategically and the Museums Service in depth. The report summarised the findings of the review and recommended strategic directions for both areas and a detailed improvement plan.


Councillor Holden commented that recommendation 15 of the summary of recommendations contained within the Supporting Information effectively meant the closure of Jewry Wall Museum. He personally did not support this and had received support for his position from members of the public. He therefore proposed that implementation proposals in the report be approved but that there be future reports to Cabinet on the proposals.



(1)that the strategic principles that directed the report, as follows, be approved:-


I)the need for strategic co-ordination of heritage issues across the Council

ii)the need to engage all the communities of Leicester in museums and heritage and to increase visitor numbers and participation, particularly by traditionally excluded groups,

iii)the need to deliver a more customer oriented service,


iv)the delivery of a focused service, prioritising relevance to and engagement with the communities of Leicester,


v)the requirement for the service to identify a 2% efficiency saving and the investment of that saving; and


(2)that the detailed implementation proposals in the Supporting Information be noted and the Cabinet receive reports on each of the implementation proposals and their implications.

Supporting documents: