Agenda item


Councillor Roberts submits a report setting out the context for the production of the Local Authority’s Youth Service Plan for 2003-04 and seeking the Cabinet’s approval for the Youth Service Plan (Appendix 1 of the report), prior to its submission to Government Office for the East Midlands. The Cabinet is asked to note the strengthening of service relationships and corporate working, to approve the Youth Service Plan for 2003-04 and to consider the financial implications of the government’s advice in its two recent publications; School and LEA Funding in 2003-04: Guidance Letter No.2 and Resourcing Excellent Youth Services which will need to be addressed from the Education and Lifelong Learning budget and be the subject of a further report to Cabinet.


The relevant minutes extract from the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee held on the 19 March 2003 will be circulated as soon as it is available.


The appendices to this report have been attached for members of the Cabinet only. Copies of these appendices can be obtained either from the Council’s website at or by phoning Committee Services on (0116) 252 6022.


Councillor Roberts submitted a report setting out the context for the production of the Local Authority’s Youth Service Plan for 2003-04 and seeking the Cabinet’s approval for the Youth Service Plan, prior to its submission to the Government Office for the East Midlands.


The relevant minutes extract of the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 19 March 2003 were circulated to the Cabinet. Councillor Roberts stated that the comments made could be accommodated into future Youth Service Plans.



(1)that the strengthening of service relationships and corporate working, be noted;


(2)that the Youth Service Plan for 2003-04, be approved and signed off; and


(3)to note that the financial implications of the Government’s advice in it’s two recent publications; School and LEA Funding in 2003-04: Guidance Letter No.2 and Resources Excellent Youth Services will require growth to be found within the Education and Lifelong Learning Budget and will be the subject of a further report to Cabinet.

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