Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


The Community Meeting to consider applications for funding received from the Community Meeting Budget (Opening Balance £18,000), and summarised below:


Applications supported at the last meeting but funded from 2013/14 Budget


i)          SOMINFOS – Multi Ward Bid                                                       £950

            Application received to run Money Advice sessions.


ii)         The Spark Arts for Children                                                        £150

            Application received from this to fund SHINY project


iii)        Checkpoint Advice and Support                                               £1,538.20

            Application received to run a financial healthcheck service.


Applications for consideration and received since the last meeting


iv)        Unity Boxing Club (deferred from the last meeting) £1,245

            Application received to provide equipment for boxing club.


v)         Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association                    £1,251.62

Application received to provide a community vegetable garden that will enable local residents grow vegetables.


vi)        Heathley Park Residents Association                                      £400

Application received to help fund the 9th Annual Heathley Park residents gathering 2013 to be held June/August 2013.


vii)       Cornerstone PCC                                                                          £500

Application received to part fund a Community Fun Day in the grounds of Alderman Richard Hallam School, Avebury Avenue, in conjunction with other churches in the area.


viii)      Zinthiya Trust                                                                                  £1,066

Application received to support the newly formed Lunch Club and Food Parcel Scheme operated from Barleycroft Community Centre.


ix)        SOMINFOS                                                                                       £1,424

Application received to part fund a project to empower Somali males and females.


x)         Residents of Milton House Sheltered Accommodation       £ 415

Application to organise a day trip for residents of Milton House to help bring communities together and support elderly vulnerable people.


xi)        Gandal Media                                                                                  £698

Application received to part fund a raising Drugs and Alcohol Awareness event.


xii)       Leicester City Ladies Juniors Football Club                          £1,750

Application received to part fund the continuation of the provision of girls and ladies football in the community.




The Chair reported that, following funding support at the last meeting, Checkpoint opened on Tuesday 11th June 2013, and were providing a good service, with positive feedback from residents.


At the start of the financial year, the ward was allocated £18,000, from which three bids were funded, agreed at the last meeting, but funded from the 2013/14 budget.


Applications supported at the last meeting but funded from 2013/14 Budget


i)          SOMINFOS – Multi Ward Bid                                                       £950

            Application received to run Money Advice sessions.


ii)         The Spark Arts for Children                                                        £150

            Application received from this to fund SHINY project


iii)        Checkpoint Advice and Support                                               £1,538.20

            Application received to run a financial healthcheck service.


The balance remaining from the 2013/14 budget after funding the above three applications was £15,361.


Applications Considered at the Meeting


The Members Support Officer introduced the budget requests that had been submitted. There was then a short recess whilst the Ward Councillors reached their decision on each application.


Members stated they were minded to support applications for £500 and under in full, as they were community events. The Chair said that over £7,000 in applications had been received, and two others were pending, at the start of the financial year for 2013/14. Members were mindful the budget should be spread over the financial year, to enable other applicants to have the opportunity to apply for funding. With that in mind, they agreed that not all applications would be supported, or supported in full, at the meeting.


Application 1 – Unity Boxing Club (deferred from the last meeting) – to maintain ABA status


The application was for £1,245 to maintain ABA status.


The Members said they were aware of how good the boxing club was, and the work they did, but recognised there were significant youth issues around the ward. The Members also said that considerable funding had been given to the club in the past. Members were minded to partially support the application.



that the application be supported in part and £750 be allocated.


Application 2 – Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood Association – Beaumont Lodge Vegetable Garden


The application was for £1,251.62, to provide a community vegetable garden that will enable local residents grow vegetables.


Members said it was an important project that would develop skills, offer volunteering opportunities, and provide fresh produce for the community. They asked that the applicants work with officers to see if there were other ways a shed could be provided. Members were minded to partially support the application.



that the application be supported in part and £800 be allocated.


Application 3 – Heathley Park Residents Association – Heathley Park 9th Annual Gathering July / August 2013


The application was for £400 towards publicity for the event and food / drink disposable, and tombola prizes.


Members agreed to fund applications for £500 and under, as it was a community event. Members were minded to support the application in full.



that the application be supported in full and £400 be allocated.


Application 4 – Cornerstone PCC – Community Fun Day


The application was for £500 (joint application with Fosse and Abbey Wards – total £2,000), for a community fund day in the grounds of Alderman Richard Hallam School, Avebury Avenue, in conjunction with other churches in the area.


Members agreed to fund applications for £500 and under, as it was a community event. Members were minded to support the application in full.



that the application be supported in full and £500 be allocated.


Application 5 – Zinthiya Trust – Barley Croft Community Lunch Club and Food Parcel Scheme


The application was for £1,066, to support a newly established lunch club, and a food parcel scheme in partnership with STAR and the Stocking Farm Healthy Living Centre.


Members said they were aware of the growing cases of poverty in the area, and were minded to support the application in full.



that the application be supported in full and £1,066 be allocated.


Application 6 – Somali Advice and Information Services (SOMINFOS) – Empowering inexperienced Somali males and females who are unemployed


The application was for £1,424 (joint application with Spinney Hills, Stoneygate and Charnwood Wards – total £5696), to fund a project to empower Somali males and females.


Members said the new community funding financial guidance recommended that applications for more than three wards would not be considered. The application presented to the meeting had been applied to four wards and would not be considered at the meeting.



that the application NOT be supported.


Application 7 – Residents of Milton House Sheltered Accommodation – provision of a day trip for all the vulnerable, elderly residents at the scheme


The application was for £415, for coach hire for a day trip. The trip would also be offered to other elderly people in the area.


Members agreed to fund applications for £500 and under, as it was a community event. Members were minded to support the application in full.



that the application be supported in full and £415 be allocated.


Application 8 – Gandal Media – Raising Drugs and Alcohol Awareness Weekend (RDAAW)


The application was for £698 (joint application with Spinney Hills and Charnwood Wards – total £2094),


Members said, in order to avoid duplication, the application would not be supported, as the service was provided through various agencies in the city, and the application was advised to make contact with the services.



that the application NOT be supported.


Application 9 – Leicester City Ladies Juniors Football Club – Girls and ladies football in the community


The application was for £1,750 (joint application with Abbey Ward – total £3,500), towards the cost of training, and equipment for the teams.


Members agreed it was an important project and were minded to partially support the application.



that the application be supported in part and £1,250 be allocated.