Agenda item


The Community Meeting to receive information on summer youth activities and services in Beaumont Leys Ward.


Angela Thompson, Area Youth Work Manager for the Youth Offending Service, informed the meeting of street based / detached youth work sessions that would take place over the summer period, which focussed on areas brought to the attention of the Service through the Beaumont Leys Joint Action Group, Beaumont Leys ward meeting and observations. Areas included:


·         Heatherbrook / Bluegates / Halley Close

·         Churchward / Hme Farm

·         Bishopdale / Aysgarth

·         Beaumont Walk / Dales area


Angela circulated a list of Barley Croft Youth Centre Summer Activities for 15th July – 23rd August 2013 (subject to change nearer to the date), and a contact list for the Youth Service. Activities included cooking and healthy eating sessions, and trips out. Kim Thorrington, Detached Youth Worker would be part of the Street Based Team, and would hold sessions, sometimes as late as 9.30pm.


The Chair thanked Angela for the update.


The Chair delivered a report back from Councillors for the Ward.


The Chair reported on the Heathley Park Residents Group patch walk that had taken place on 21st June 2013 with Liz Kendall MP in attendance. A number of options were discussed in order to improve traffic safety and movement in the area including:

·         The removal of yellow lines on Heathley Park Drive near to the entrance of the Sunlight factory and Heathley Park Public House.

·         To cut back bushes and overhanging branches.

·         To remove the restricted give way sign on Duncombe Road.

·         To install double yellow lines outside the children’s play area on Heathley Park Drive.

·         To replace missing metal fencing at the children’s play area.

·         To enquire as to the ownership of land on Heathley Park Drive bend to improve road and pavement at this point.

·         Police and Civil Enforcement Officer to visit the area regularly to enforce traffic obstruction and parking regulations.


Residents were also informed that regular Councillors’ Surgeries were held each month, the details of which could be found in Link magazine and on the City Council’s website at:


The Chair said Members received work via email from residents, which concerned mainly housing and maintenance issues.



The following information were also reported:


·         The Chair reported demolition of a burnt out building at Home Farm had commenced on 18th June 2013. The land had been tidied and better fencing had been installed. It was noticeable that the building had occupied quite a sizeable piece of land.

·         The meeting was informed that a ceremony at Babington School was held on 19th June 2013, to celebrate the start of new build at the school.

·         A planning application was submitted for 28 mixed houses and flats at Bradgate Heights. There were also existing parking issues regarding the hospital in the area.

·         There were issues of parking on both sides at Thurcaston Park / Redruth Road, and concerns were raised that installing double yellow lines on one side of the road would move the problem out to other streets. Following consultation it was agreed to install the lines, and fears of problems in other streets were founded, and Tavemers Road was experiencing problems. The problem seemed to be caused by people working on shifts at nearby factories. Meetings would continue with factory owners and Enforcement Officers.

·         There were plans to train City Wardens and delegate enforcement powers to them. The Police had no enforcement powers when people parked on yellow lines, only if the vehicle was obstructing paths or driveways.

·         A meeting would be held with the City Mayor to look at priorities for the ward regarding the Highways budget, for example, people obstructing raised kerbs at bus stops. It was recognised there were many areas around the ward that required double yellow lines.