Agenda item


Councillor Roberts submits a report advising the Cabinet of progress to date in taking forward the transforming secondary schools agenda and, in particular, the proposals for three possible new schools.  The report explains the context of the evolving national and local agenda for raising standards and other strategic objectives and considers the two consultancy reports.  The Cabinet is asked whether it wishes to progress any of the proposals.


The relevant Minutes extract of the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 7 April will be circulated as soon as it is available.


The Consultants reports referred to in the report are attached for Cabinet Members only. Copies of these documents can be obtained either from the Council’s website or by phoning Committee Services on (0116) 252 6022.


Councillor Roberts submitted a report advising the Cabinet of progress to date in taking forward the Transforming Secondary Schools agenda and in particular, the proposals for three possible new schools. The report explained the context of the evolving national and local agenda for raising standards and other strategic objectives and considered the two consultancy reports.


With regard to the City Academy, he commented that a set of principles had been established for this school and sponsors had been sought on this basis. Two sponsors had come forward, the Church of England and a consortium of local businesses. The consultants report had highlighted more potential benefits than weaknesses in the proposals and Councillor Roberts detailed these briefly.


With regard to the Islamic Academy, he felt that further details were needed before a decision could be taken on this proposal and he recommended that a further report be submitted which considered whether the proposed school would meet the set of principles which had been established by the Local Education Authority.


In reference to the proposed Key Stage 3 school in West Leicester, he felt that this did not represent a realistic opportunity that would achieve Government funding. However he did request that the Director of Education produce a report to show how standards in that area could be raised.


The minutes of the Education and Lifelong Learning Scrutiny Committee held on 7 April 2003 were circulated to the Cabinet. Councillor Roberts noted the views of the Committee differed to those of the Cabinet except with regard to the Key Stage 3 school in West Leicester.


Councillor Roberts also circulated an amended recommendation to 2.1(a) of the report.


In response to Councillor Draycott, Councillor Roberts said that formal consultation on the city academy would not begin until after the summer holidays by which time detailed plans would have been drawn up.


The Chair commented that these proposals had been under discussion for over a year and the arguments had been exhaustively rehearsed and many people, himself included, were persuaded of the benefits of the proposal to children of Leicester.



(1)that approval and support be given for a City Academy in the Saffron and Eyres Monsell area and that formal consultation on this proposal begin as soon as practicable;


(2)that the application of the Islamic Academy for Voluntary Aided status be subject to a full and detailed report, which considered the Academy’s views on the Council’s principles and their views on teaching and other Trades Unions and in addition, the impact that this provision would have on community cohesion in the City, this report to be prepared for consideration by the Cabinet at its July 2003 meeting;


(3)that the idea of providing a Key Stage 3 school for West Leicester on the former Wycliffe site be discontinued, but that the Corporate Director of Education and Lifelong Learning be asked to prepare a report on how improvements could be made to the provision of education in West Leicester;


(4) that, arising from resolutions above, it be requested that more detailed proposals, capable of statutory consultation and with a detailed assessment of the issues raised to date, be developed:


-         having clarified outstanding issues with the DfES and sponsors;

-         having had further discussion with a stakeholder group, the Education Partnership Board and sponsors in the context of the emerging Schools Strategy;

-         having regard to the possibilities arising from a potential Building Schools for the Future bid;

-         following further discussions with local communities in conjunction with ‘sponsors’; and


(5) that officers be requested to pursue a bid to the DfES for funding under the DfES Building Schools for the Future programme, should it be confirmed by the DfES and to progress this in conjunction with the above stakeholder group.

Supporting documents: