Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that they will need to declare any interest they may have in budget applications, and/or indicate that Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 applies to them.


a)         Budget 2013/14


To receive an update on the budget for 2013/14


b)        Feedback


Feedback on how some recently approved grants have been used will be given at the meeting.


c)         Grant Applications for Consideration


The following grant applications are submitted for consideration:-


Application 1


Project:           Food in the Community – Pilot Project


Amount requested: 


This is a joint application with Westcotes Ward.





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Specialist staff to plan, prepare, run (2 days) and follow up (0.5 days) the 3 events:

3x2x2.5 @ 150




Materials for the events








Collating and analysing feedback: 1 day @ 150




Researching funding opportunities: 2 days @ 150




Developing partnerships: 6 days @ 150




Writing bids: 9 days @ 150




Office costs and travel






2,025 per ward (4,050 in total)



Applicant:      Leicester Masaya Link Group, with the support of environmental Studies Ltd




The project aims to consult with members of the local community and relevant partners to develop a larger funded programme of activities combining food growing with the cultural and social significance of food.


Promoting the growing of vegetables will support healthy eating and encourage physical exercise, as well as increasing access to cheap, fresh food.  It is anticipated that the community based approach of will include sharing favourite recipes and understanding the global interdependence of foods, which will support greater cohesion between communities.  The collective act of growing brings people together and gives a sense of ownership and belonging.


The consultation process will take place from June to September 2013.  At the end of this there will be clear project proposal, incorporating identified community need and committed partner organisations.  Applications for funding for the proposal will then made to funding bodies.


The organisers will be attending the International Food Festival at the Manor House Community Centre on 6 July 2013 and the Braunstone Carnival on 29 June.  In addition, a drop-in community event will be hosted at the polytunnels next to Braunstone Skills Centre.  This will emphasise practical food growing.


Alongside this, the applicants will research current activity and players in the local area, to ensure that the proposal complements existing programmes, and to identify potential funding streams to submit the final proposal to.



Application 2


Project:           Iri Ji (New Yam) Festival 2013


Amount requested: 


Funding has also been requested from Westcotes and the Western Park Fields Wards.





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Hall /other rentals




Printing, publicity and parade  - video and photo




Refreshment and entertainment




Decorations, Costumes. Security and cleaning




Miscellaneous (10%)









Applicant:      NDI IGBO Leicestershire (Nigeria Community Association)




Iri Ji festival is a celebration of the Igbo annual harvest thanksgiving season.  It is a family event, featuring cultural displays of dance, fashion, food and arts and is held annually in August/early September, marking the peak of the farming season.


This year’s event in Leicester is on Saturday 17 August.  There will be a cultural parade at Leicester’s clock tower/city centre from 12.00 noon while civic festivities and a reception will be at the Braunstone Leisure Centre from 3.00 – 11.00 pm.


Some civic dignitaries, including the City Mayor, Lord Mayor, some councillors, representatives of the Nigerian High Commission to the UK, and Government functionaries will be in attendance.  Leaders of other Igbo community associations from other major cities of Great Britain and Ireland will also be present.  Nigerians from all walks of life will also be there.


The 2013 festival will feature a seminar/presentation highlighting the qualities of the Igbo as community builders.  It will also underline the need for inclusion and community cohesion.  There will also be “kidz zone” to engage children and young people.


Members of Ndi Igbo Leicestershire live all over the city area, but predominantly in the Westcotes, Braunstone Park and Rowley Fields, Western Park, New Parks, Coleman, Spinney Hills and Beaumont Leys wards.



Application 3


Project:           Schools Tennis


Amount requested: 





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Equipment: Balls and Nets




Coaching Fees













Applicant:      R2R Tennis/ Westfields Tennis Club




It is proposed to visit local schools to promote tennis around the area.  The applicants have been a coaching team at Westfields Tennis club for just over 2 years and have been into several schools numerous times for free.


The schools often visited are Christ the King Primary School, Dovelands Primary school and Fullhurst College.  With this funding it is hoped to re-visit these schools, as well as reaching out to other schools to try and get as many children involved in the activity as possible.


The applicants hope to deliver the coaching in the summer term, so that the majority of the schools can bring the children to the club to achieve full benefit, as well as being able to use the schools’ playgrounds in the better weather.


These sessions will be actively promoted around both areas through leaflets and local organisations.  The aim is to give as many children as possible the opportunity to play, as it is recognised that there are many barriers to taking up the sport, such as lack of facilities and kit. 


Once the children have been engaged, it is hoped to encourage them to form a team.  The project aims particularly to reach young people who are disadvantaged and are, for example, suffering from things such as mental health problems, or other disabilities, as sport can be very therapeutic.



Application 4


Project:           World War 2 Interpretation Board for Braunstone Park


Amount requested: 





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

World War 2 Interpretation board “Braunstone Park as a military camp”









Applicant:      Anita Robinson




To commemorate Braunstone Park being a military camp during World War 2, an Interpretation Board has been requested by the Braunstone Park User Group.  On this group sits a former member of the British Legion.


The Board will be placed in the memorial garden (main entrance to the park on Gooding Avenue) to pinpoint the location of where the Nissen Huts were on the park and give detailed information of events on the park from this period.


The three main military groups based on the park:

  • Local Defence Volunteers
  • American 82nd Airborne Division
  • Royal Artillary


A memorial stone to soldiers of the American 82nd Airborne, who died following the invasion of Normandy is currently in the Walled Garden.  This will be moved back to its original place, in the memorial garden, once the Hall is operational.


A Braunstone Art & History Exhibition was recently held in the stable block, where the draft copy of the board was put on show.  This created a lot of interest amongst the visitors.


Braunstone Park is steeped in history and this Interpretation Board will help to show one part of historical interest to all visitors to the park and, when opened, the Hall.



Application 5


Project:           Think Ahead Plus


Amount requested: 





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Hall Hire £15.60 p/wk x4x  6 Months



Books & Whiteboard markers









Applicant:      Maths Club – for SATs & GCSE meeting at the Oak Centre




This application is made to support (students) young people in Braunstone with extra Maths tuition and coaching at the Oak Centre, Bendbow Rise. 


4 hours of tuition meetings are held every week for school years 3 – 6, as well as for school years 7 – 11. 


The grant requested is for hire of the hall that is to be used for the classes for five months


Young people from all communities attend the lessons. Sessions are open for all and are free of charge.


It is hoped that after 6 months the community will come together and connect through learning. Young people especially will build positive relationships through doing positive activities within their community.



Application 6


Project:           Studs FC


Amount requested: 





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Size 3 training balls x 20




Size 4 training balls x 25




Boundary Poles x 1 pack









Applicant:      Studs FC (Neil Wright, Chairman)




This is a family-orientated football club, which hss been running for a few years.  There are football teams from 5+ to under 16s.


A lock up container on Winstanley School fields is currently used to store all of the teams’ training aids and balls/goals.


The club does not meet in July, but the container has been broken in to.  As a result, the club has been left with no training equipment and footballs for the pre-season training that starts in August.



d)        Grant Applications Agreed under the Fast Track Procedure


The following application has been agreed under the Council’s Fast Track procedure and is submitted for information.


Application 4


Project:           Braunstone Alert


Amount requested: 





Estimate/ Actual cost?

Request to Ward Meeting (£)

Advertisements for Councillors’ surgeries

£50 + VAT (x 6)








Applicant:      Anne Short




This application is for funding to advertise Councillors’ surgeries bi-monthly in six editions of the Braunstone Alert, (ie, May/June 2013, July/August 2013, September/October 2013, November/December 2013, January/February 2014, March/April 2014).





i)          Grant Applications for Consideration


The following applications for grants were considered:-


·           Food in the Community – Pilot Project



a)     That this application be deferred pending the result of an application for Lottery funding by other agencies for a similar project; and


b)     That consideration be given to how the applicant can be involved in the project noted under (a) above.


·           Iri Ji (New Year) Festival 2013



That this application would not be supported, as the benefit to the Ward had not been demonstrated.


·           Schools Tennis



That consideration of this application be deferred to enable further discussions to be held with the applicant.


·           World War 2 Interpretation Board for Braunstone Park


Anita Robinson, Parks Officer, advised the meeting that an event would be held shortly to remember the contribution made in World War 2 by the American 82nd Airborne Division, which had been based in Braunstone Park. 


The memorial stone that had been moved to the walled garden would be returned to its original position by the Park entrance before this, but it was also hoped that an information board, explaining the Division’s contribution could be put up before the event. 


The Information Board would stand on two pillars and be covered.  The total cost of it would be £1,800, but a grant of £1,500 had been requested.



That a grant of £1,500 to Anita Robinson (Parks Officer) towards the cost of a World War 2 Interpretation Board for Braunstone Park be supported.


·           Think Ahead Plus


In view of the importance of providing support to young people with maths, the meeting supported this item.



That a grant of £490 to the Maths Club towards the cost of providing extra maths tuition and coaching at the Oak Centre, Bendbow Rise be supported.


·           Studs FC



That consideration of this application be deferred to enable further discussions to be held with the applicant.


ii)         2013/14 Community Meeting Budget


The Chair reported that, following the decisions recorded above, approximately £12,000 remained in the Ward Community Budget for 2013/14.