Agenda item






An Officer’s response report is at A1 of the cover papers.  The full minute extract and report to Scrutiny are contained in the Supporting Information papers.



(1)that this matter be referred to Cabinet for consideration;


(2)that the Corporate Director of Environment, Regeneration and Development in consultation with the Cabinet Link Member for Environment, Regeneration and Development be recommended to consider ways of alternative funding for the organisations proposed for funding reductions and to request that funding continues until a final decision is made by the Cabinet.


Councillor Hunt to respond.





MUNDELLA SITE DISPOSAL                   A2


An Officer’s response report is at A2 of the cover papers. The full minute extract and report to Scrutiny are contained in the Supporting Information papers.



that the following be recommended to Cabinet;


that the relevant Departments of the City Council assist Greater Humberstone Community Development Ltd. in its aim of acquiring part of the Mundella site for use by the community, in particular it is recommended:-


(1)that a clear timetable is established for the disposal of the site to a developer which is made available to the Committee, the Greater Humberstone Community Development Ltd and the Cabinet;


(2)that all necessary legal and property arrangements associated with the sale of the site receive prompt attention;


(3)that professional support is provided to the Greater Humberstone Community Development ltd in negotiating a Section 106 agreement with the eventual developer;


(4)that the commitment of the Life Long Learning Division is obtained as to its Cluster / Local learning Plans and operational intentions in regard to the proposed community learning facility;


(5)that signage be displayed at the site advertising the sale which is agreeable to all stakeholders including the Greater Humberstone Community Development Ltd.;


(6)that it would be desirable for the playing fields to be made available for community use during the summer holidays; and


(7) that the Committee receive a further report on progress.


Councillor Hunt to respond.


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Supporting documents: