Agenda item


Officers will be at the meeting to provide an update on issues such as de-cluttering the A50 corridor, parking issues in Tudor Road and the Empire pub development.




David Beale (Development Manager; Planning, Transportation and Economic Development) updated the meeting on the regeneration projects underway and on those proposed within the Ward.


He confirmed that discussions were being held with landowners of key sites to ensure that a comprehensive approach to regeneration could be achieved, particularly in respect of the Waterside area.


With regard to specific site updates, it was reported that the artistic photographic hoardings removed from Jubilee Square would be reused in the Ward and that the Council’s Parks Services were to undertake tidying work around sites in consultation with Highways officers, including the removal of Buddleia plants.  Gravel resin finishes were to be installed at the ‘desire line’ paths at the churchyard of All Saints, to ensure a suitable surface before the winter months.


The regeneration was supported by the Government’s recent announcement that grant funding would be made available.  Initial comments were sought on the priority areas of mixed use development.  The consultation process would involve two stages with the initial public consultation on plans for the area being undertaken during October.


The meeting welcomed the progress made with the regeneration initiatives and community representatives expressed their wish to be involved in the public consultation process.  It was noted that an informal launch, prior to the consultation process, would be held to display initial plans and suggestions for future schemes and projects.




Ed Kocik and Chris Middleton (Transport Development and Operations) presented details of residents’ parking schemes requested in the Ward.


It was reported that experimental schemes were also being undertaken in Westcotes and Western park Wards.


Following initial investigation and analysis, it had been proposed that the most suitable area for a scheme would be the Tudor Road area, with design and implementation being undertaken following the completion of the Westcotes and Western park schemes.  A full consultation with residents and commercial properties in the area would be undertaken at the appropriate time.


In respect of 20 mph speed limits it was reported that schemes had been agreed at the Fosse Road Primary School and the Somerset Road/Avebury Avenue area.  Plans showing the extent of the 20 mph schemes were displayed.




The Chair referred to the recent planning decision to approve a supermarket use at the site of the former Empire Public House.  Ward Councillors had addressed the meeting of the Planning and Development Control Committee concerning the proposed use.  Mr Adrian Ablett (the Can Man) had also addressed the meeting expressing his concerns over the proposed use.  Mr Ablett was in attendance and was thanked by Councillors and community representatives for attending the Committee meeting and making a public address.


It was reported that within the approval the need for an agreed ‘local jobs plan’ together with a ‘transport plan’ had been imposed as two of the conditions.  Ward Councillors had requested that details of the transport plan be forwarded to them to allow their input on any proposed junction and road traffic improvements.


In conclusion, it was noted that an agreement had also been reached on the need to plant replacement trees in the Ward.  Councillors referred to areas in Rally Park and commented that they would be pleased to receive suggestions for any other suitable locations for replacement trees.