Agenda item


The Director of Local Services and Enforcement submits a report which requires Members to determine an application for the request to show films to the public that have not been classified by the British Board of Film Classification.


The request has been made by Michaela Turno in relation to films titled “The Mouth of the Wolf” and “Normal”. The films will be shown at the Phoenix Cinema in February/March 2015 as part of a larger event.


Report attached. A copy of the associated documentation is attached for Members only. Further copies are available on the Council’s website at or by phoning Democratic Support on 454 6358


The Director, Local Services and Enforcement submitted a report which required Members to determine a request to show a film that had not been classified by the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC). The films would be shown at the Phoenix Cinema in February and March 2015. The applicant was Michela Turnoin relation to the films titled “The Mouth of the Wolf” and “Normal”.


Michela Turno was present at the meeting. The Licensing Team Manager and the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee were also present at the meeting.


The Licensing Team Manager outlined the details of the report, referred to the synopsis appended for each film and answered Members’ questions. Members had viewed the films prior to the meeting.


Michela Turno stated she agreed with the officer recommendation in the report for the approval of the films to be shown to viewers aged 15 years and older.


Michela Turno was then given the opportunity to outline her reasons for wanting to screen the films and responded to Members questions.


Michela Turno was then given the opportunity to sum up her position and make any final comments.


Prior to Members considering the application, the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee advised Members of the options available to them in making a decision together with the relevant policy and statutory guidance.


In reaching their decision, Members felt they should deliberate in private on the basis that this was in the public interest, and as such outweighed the public interest of their deliberation taking place with the parties represented present.


The Solicitor to the Sub-Committee, the Licensing Team Manager and Michela Turno the applicant then withdrew from the meeting.


The Sub-Committee gave the application full and detailed consideration. Members called back the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee who gave advice on the wording of their decision.


The Licensing Team Manager and Michela Turno the applicant, then returned to the meeting.


The Chair informed the meeting that the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee was called back to the meeting to advise Members on the wording of their decision.



That the request to show films that have not been classified by the British Board of Film Classification be granted and screened with a 15 classification and be subject to an additional condition as follows:

·       Any future promotional or marketing materials to contain guidance to the effect that “this film contains strong language and references to sexual activity.”


In reaching their decision the hearing panel were satisfied that both films “The Mouth of the Wolf” and “Normal” should be screened in line with a 15 classification as guided by the British Board of Film Classification due to the use of strong language and the verbal references to sexual activity. The panel were told there was one mandatory condition and decided to add a condition for any future promotional or marketing materials to contain guidance to the effect that “this film contains strong language and references to sexual activity.”


The hearing panel were satisfied that the additional condition was necessary to promote the licensing objectives.


Supporting documents: