Agenda item


Councillors are reminded that under the Councillors’ Code of Conduct they should declare any interest they may have in budget applications.


a)    An update will be given on the Ward Community Meeting budget.


b)    A list of grant applications that have been submitted since the previous meeting are as follows:


Project: Women of Peace Initiative


Submitted by: Restorative Justice Initiative Midlands CIC

Amount requested: £1698


Project: Maintenance of Playing Field and Improved Security at Club House and Playing field areas


Submitted by Belgrave Rugby Football Club (joint bid to Abbey, Belgrave and Beaumont Leys)


Amount requested: £1000 from each Ward.


c)    Previous recipients of ward community funding have been invited to provide a verbal evaluation of the outcome of their project.


Hetha Copland, Neighbourhood Development Manager, presented the ward community meeting budget:


Project: maintenance of playing field and improved security at club house and playing field area.

Submitted by Belgrave Rugby Football Club (joint bid)

Amount requested: £ 1000


Councillors had previously agreed funding for the club and on this occasion decided not to support the funding application.


Project: Women of Peace Initiative

Submitted by Restorative Justice Initiative Midlands CIC

Amount requested: £1698


AGREED: that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £1698.


The following funding applications were received too late for inclusion in the agenda.


Project: Fiftieth anniversary celebrations

Submitted by: St Luke’s Church Stocking Farm

Amount requested: £500


AGREED: that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £500


Project: Tanglewood Youth and Support Group

Submitted by: Tanglewood Youth and Support Group (joint bid)

Amount requested: £381.25 from each ward.


Hetha stated that Councillors supported the funding bid but asked that families in Beaumont Leys benefited from the award and requested feedback on this. If the group could not demonstrate that families in Beaumont Leys had benefited from the grant, Councillors would be unlikely to support any further funding applications.


AGREED: that the funding application be supported in full to the value of £381.25


Project: Christmas get-together for Beaumont Leys young people and adults

Submitted by: Beaumont Lodge Neighbourhood CIC.

Amount requested: £500


AGREED: that the funding application be supported to the value of £500


Project: Support to our Lunch Club and Food Bank

Submitted by: Christ the King Church

Amount requested: £800


AGREED: that the funding application be supported to the value of £800


Project: Milton House Club

Submitted by: Barbara Edgar

Amount requested: £500


Funding was requested for a shed or similar structure to store mobility scooters at Milton House. As the funding application had just been submitted, Councillors stated that they would consider this outside of the meeting.


Project: Barley Croft Youth Centre (Ur Choice Young People’s Project)

Submitted by: Katie Nicholas

Amount requested: £1180.50


It was reported that the funding application had been submitted but not received by the Councillors. The young people presented the project and councillors explained that they would consider the application outside of the meeting.


Roy Cole. Facility Manager, Sports Services questioned whether it might be possible to meet up at the start of the financial year to draw up a forward plan of activities to avoid any duplication.  The Chair responded that this was a good idea in principle, but it would be difficult to manage as new community groups might be set and submit bids part way during the year.


Recipients of previous ward community funding were then invited to provide a verbal evaluation of the outcome of their project:


Community Advice and Law Service – Advice Sessions at Barleycroft Community Centre


Hetha Copland thanked the community meeting, on behalf of the Community Advice and Law Service, for the funding given. Attendees were asked to note that their sessions were held on Wednesdays between 9.30am and 12.30 pm. People would need to book an appointment by telephoning 0116 222 1090. Councillors asked how far in advance people would need to book for an appointment and Hetha agreed to check. Action: Neighbourhood Development Manager.


Attendees were asked to note that in future, funding applications would need to be submitted on-line and it would be even more important to submit an evaluation on a project’s outcome. Under the new system, it would not be possible to support further funding applications where previous feedback had not been submitted.