Agenda item


The Director of Local Services and Enforcement submits a report on an application for a new premises licence for 147 Snooker Centre, 37-43 Rutland Street, Leicester, LE1 1RE.


Report attached. A copy of the associated documentation is attached for Members only. Further copies are available on the Council’s website at or by telephoning Democratic Support on 0116 4546354.


The Director, Local Services and Enforcement, submitted a report that required Members to determine an application for a new premises licence for 147 Snooker Centre, 37-43 Rutland Street, Leicester, LE1 1RE.


Members noted that three representations had been received in respect of the application, which necessitated that the application had to be considered by Members.


The applicant Mr Stephen Flude together with Mr Simon Green the proposed Designated Premises Supervisor, PC Jon Webb from Leicestershire Police and Robin Marston – the Noise Team representative, were all present at the hearing. Also present were the Licensing Team Manager and the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee.


Introductions were made and the procedure for the meeting was outlined to those present.


The Licensing Team Manager presented the report. There were no questions on the report from Members, the applicant or those who had made representations.


Robin Marston outlined the reasons for the representations made by the Noise Team and answered questions from Members. Following discussions with the applicant prior to this hearing, agreement had been reached on conditions that would satisfy the Noise Team’s original concerns. The suggested conditions were contained in Appendix E of the report.


PC Jon Webb outlined the reasons for the representations made by the Police and answered questions from Members. Following discussions with the applicant prior to this hearing, agreement had been reached on a number of conditions that would satisfy the original concerns raised by the Police in the representation. These suggested conditions were contained in Appendix E of the report.


Mr Stephen Flude was then given the opportunity to outline the details of the application, responded to the points made and answered questions from Members. Mr Flude also explained that he would ensure one member of staff was located at the bottom of the stairs every evening to ensure the public exit correctly.


Members then considered the written representation from Councillor Kitterick on behalf of Ward constituents in relation to the prevention of crime and disorder and the prevention of public nuisance. There were no further questions from Members, the applicant or the representatives.


All parties were then given the opportunity to sum up their positions and make any final comments.


Prior to Members considering the application, the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee advised Members of the options available to them in making a decision. Members were also advised of the relevant policy and statutory guidance that needed to be taken into account when making their decision.


In reaching their decision, Members felt they should deliberate in private on the basis that this was in the public interest, and as such outweighed the public interest of their deliberation taking place with the parties represented present.


The Licensing Team Manager, the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee, PC Webb, Robin Marston, Mr Flude and Mr Green then withdrew from the meeting.


Members then gave the application full and detailed consideration.


The Solicitor to the Sub-Committee was then recalled to the hearing to give advice on the wording of the decision.


The Licensing Team Manager, PC Webb, Robin Marston, Mr Flude and Mr Green then returned to the meeting.


The Chair informed all persons present that they had recalled the Solicitor to the Sub-Committee for advice on the wording of their decision.



That the application for a new premises licence for 147 Snooker Centre, 37-43 Rutland Street, Leicester, LE1 1RE be granted.




In reaching their decision the Sub-Committee had considered this application and measured it against the objectors concerns but considered that the agreements reached between the objectors and the applicant sufficiently protected the Licensing objectives. The Councillors objection which was a general objection triggered by the lack of detail in the application was satisfied by the agreements reached between the Police and the Noise Team. The Sub-Committee therefore granted with the conditions laid out at Appendix E on pages 91-92 of the report.

Supporting documents: