Agenda item


Councillor Coley submits a report detailing the results of a consultation exercise as to whether there was public support for a police station on Spinney Hill Park. The report was considered at Cabinet on 15 December 2003 and referred to full Council. The relevant minutes extract of Council will be circulated as soon as they are available. The Cabinet is asked to consider the discussion at full Council and take a decision on whether to sell the land on the park for the Police Station.


Members are asked to note that as part of this report, information on proposed terms relating to the disposal is attached, as an appendix. This appendix is marked ‘NOT FOR PUBLICATION’ . The information in these papers is exempt as defined in paragraph 9 of  Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended. The information therefore must not be disclosed or discussed at the meeting. Should Members wish to refer to any of these details it is recommended that the meeting move into the private session.


Councillor Coley submitted a report detailing the results of a consultation exercise as to whether there was public support for a police station on Spinney Hill Park. The report was considered at Cabinet on 15 December 2003 and referred to full Council on 29 January 2004 for their views. The report also sought approval to the terms of the land disposal should Cabinet agree to the building of the Police Station.


Councillor Coley noted that the majority of the Council were supportive of having the Police Station on the park. He noted that in the Spinney Hill area there was a fear of crime and the station would help to alleviate this fear. As well as the consultation exercise, he had spoken to residents himself, the majority of whom were in favour of the proposals. The majority of the objections to the proposal were from people or organisations from outside of the local area. He conceded that he was originally not in favour of the proposals but said he had been convinced by the support demonstrated through the consultation exercise that had taken place. He also said that this would demonstrate to the Heritage Lottery Fund that there was public support, which was necessary if a future grant for the park was to be successful.


The relevant draft minute extract of the Council meeting held on 29 January was circulated to the Cabinet. Councillor Coley outlined for the Cabinet the issues that were raised. A key issue that was raised was that the monies received from the sale of the land be utilised for park improvement and improved visibility on the park to make it a safer environment. Councillor Coley suggested a recommendation, which stated that money gained from the sale of the site should be used for parks and open spaces in the local area.


Another key issue that was raised as part of the Cabinet discussion was that there be no further development, either within the site currently proposed or any further extension. The Cabinet agreed to a recommendation which stated that further development on the site was only possible with the Council’s consent.


The Town Clerk also requested that he be given leeway to negotiate on the price that was mentioned within the private section of the report.



(1)that approval be given for the disposal of approximately 1590 square metres (1900 square yards) of land within the Spinney Hill Park as indicated edged on plan no. 2002/124 to Leicestershire Police Authority upon terms outlined in the Appendix to the report;


(2)that the Town Clerk be authorised, in consultation with the Cabinet Link Member for Resources, Access and Diversity, to approve any further amendments to the terms of the disposal, including that any further development on the site only be permitted with the Council’s absolute consent; and


(3)that it is the Cabinet’s intention that the Capital receipt from the disposal of the land be earmarked for the improvement of parks and open space in the local area.

Supporting documents: