Agenda item


Finance, Resources and Equal Opportunities Scrutiny Committee – 14 June 2004


Needs of the Somali Community                                                          Appendix A1


The following was agreed at the above meeting. The full minute extract is attached.



that the following issues be co-ordinated in to a report and submitted to Cabinet:-


(1)       to instruct Officers to create or revive a working party / taskforce which looks at the needs of the Somali Community and has representation from all Council Departments and relevant agencies;


(2)       to instruct this working party/taskforce to produce proposals to address the issues raised in the report and the presentations;


(3)       that a report be produced by the working party/taskforce which considers the long term needs of the Somali Community;


(4)       to instruct Officers to enable the Somali Community to have a full opportunity to access the Community Cohesion Fund;


(5)       that Cllr. Suleman, as Cabinet Lead for Community Cohesion and the Chief Executive, or the entire Cabinet if necessary, be requested to meet with representatives of the Somali Community to explain how the Community Cohesion fund will work and to discuss in detail any issues which the Somali Community have raised;


(6)       that the Leader be requested to make a formal response to the meeting held on 12 March 2004 with Mr. Haji outlining what action has been taken following that; and


(7)       that progress on these matters be reported to the next meeting this Committee.


Councillor Blackmore to respond.



NRF Programme 2004/06 – Leicester Partnership                           Appendix A2

Infrastructure and Capacity Programme


The following was agreed at the meeting. The full minute extract and an Officer response is attached.



that Cabinet be informed of that it is the view of the Committee that the amount of money being spent on administration of the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund is disproportionate and that Cabinet be asked to look at ways of rebalancing expenditure between activities and administration.


Councillor Scuplak to respond.




Needs of the Somali Community


The Committee resolved the following at the above meeting:-


that the following issues be co-ordinated into a report and submitted to Cabinet:-


-           to instruct Officers to create or revive a working party / taskforce which looks at the needs of the Somali Community and has representation from all Council Departments and relevant agencies;


-           to instruct this working party/taskforce to produce proposals to address the issues raised in the report and the presentations;


-           that a report be produced by the working party/taskforce which considers the long term needs of the Somali Community;


-           to instruct Officers to enable the Somali Community to have a full opportunity to access the Community Cohesion Fund;


-           that Cllr. Suleman, as Cabinet Lead for Community Cohesion and the Chief Executive, or the entire Cabinet if necessary, be requested to meet with representatives of the Somali Community to explain how the Community Cohesion fund will work and to discuss in detail any issues which the Somali Community have raised;


-           that the Leader be requested to make a formal response to the meeting held on 12 March 2004 with Mr. Haji outlining what action has been taken following that; and


-           that progress on these matters be reported to the next meeting this Committee.


Councillor Blackmore in response stated that he had asked Officers to set up a working party to consider the issues raised by the Committee. He further explained that members of the Somali community had been informed about the Community Cohesion Fund and that Councillor Suleman had been involved in meetings with members of the community on this matter. Councillor Blackmore also stated that he had made a formal response to Mr. Haji regarding the meeting that they had on 12 March 2004.


Councillor Blackmore stated that a full report considering the needs of the Somali Community would be submitted to the next meeting of Cabinet considering in detail the issues raised by the Scrutiny Committee.


NRF Programme 2004 – 2006 – Leicester Partnership Infrastructure and Capacity Programme


The Committee resolved the following at the above meeting:-


-           that Cabinet be informed of that it is the view of the Committee that the amount of money being spent on administration of the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund is disproportionate and that Cabinet be asked to look at ways of rebalancing expenditure between activities and administration.


Councillor Scuplak in response said that he shared the concerns of the Committee but he noted that the Government had set up a complex monitoring process which meant that it was necessary to put in place sufficient arrangements to meet Government requirements. He stated that he had been assured by Officers that the arrangements that were in place were necessary. He further commented that he would keep the matter under review and if concerns developed then he would seek to take whatever action was possible within the constraints set down by the Government.

Supporting documents: