Agenda item


The Stoneygate Ward Councillors will provide an update on the issues they have been dealing with in the Stoneygate Ward.


Stoneygate Ward Councillors provided an update on the issues they had been dealing with in the ward and activities they had been involved in since the last meeting. The following was discussed.


Councillor Thalukdar:

·         Informed the meeting of the positive news that the Glenfield hospital children’s heart department would remain open.

·         Works which had taken place regarding constituents and their housing issues.

·         A fighting incident which had taken place on Seymour Street had now been dealt with.


Councillor Master:

·         Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB)/ Policing issues on Evington Road and St James Road needed to be addressed with the Police.

·         It was noted that another patch walk in the Ward would probably be appropriate.

·         The issue concerning the gates on St James Road should now be resolved – resident to forward email received from Officer about this to Ward Councillors.

·         Parking concerns in the ward including:

o   The Residents Parking Scheme

o   Ward Councillors with Highways would be looking into a number of potential developments such as Double Yellow Line (DYL) extensions, taking out bays etc.

o   A Highways scheme would include developments on St Stephens Road.

·         Section 106 fund – which were developers contributions towards Council schemes – a meeting would be organised to consider what developments in the ward the fund could be used for e.g. improvements around Cedar Park, Upper Tichbourne Street and other plots of empty land.

·         Other issues noted by Councillor Master included; litter around Evington Road shops/ takeaways and the recent Eyres Monsell by-election.

·         Stanley Road old Leicester university building – there were some issues that some properties located at the front and back had been turned into Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO’s). Communication with the Planning team was in progress and possible action would be taken.

·         Universal Credit (UC) full service would be rolled out in June 2018.


Councillor Chaplin updates (under the various heading below):

·         It was noted that Councillor Chaplin’s next advice surgery would take place on 16 December at Dashwood Road. Next year’s venues would include Dashwood Road and St Philips – Evington Road Neighbourhood Association (ERNA).

·         The various Scrutiny Commissions, of which she was a member and details of reports being presented, were mentioned.


Planning Applications;

·         11 Elmfield Avenue – demolition of building, to build a care home. Councillor Chaplin had raised points to the relevant Officers about the impact on the community and requested a site visit.

·         University of Leicester Brookfield Site – Councillor Chaplin met with university staff, The Registrar and Head of Estates all of whom expressed concerns regarding the impact on the community and other aspects of the development. It was anticipated that the applications would soon be considered at the Planning and Development Control Committee (PDC).


Questions from Councillor Chaplin at Full Council;

·         Councillor Chaplin queried fire safety in all Council homes, homelessness and investing in specialist facilities for those with complex mental health issues.

In relation to the planned capital programme, Councillor Chaplin requested;

·         Eid lights for St Stephens Road

·         The development of Cedar Park as a space for local youth activities,

·         The Mayfield Road Children’s Centre to be developed for community use.


·         The Dawn Centre – Councillor Chaplin requested for works to take place with the Council, Police and Health workers to help the situation with rough sleepers and homeless people.

·         Evington Road improvements– Stoneygate Ward Councillors had seen some early plans regarding possible improvements for Evington Road. Councillors requested for further work and a meeting with Officers was expected to take place in March.

·         Residents were reminded that the Local Plan consultation deadline for comments was 17 December.

·         Councillor Chaplin was awaiting further information from Assistant City Mayor for Housing Councillor Connelly, in response to the replacement windows for Council house properties located in conservation areas.


Residents’ concerns and Councillors responses:

·         Due to residents’ concerns regarding housing, buildings, fire risks etc, Councillor Master suggested that an advice session take place in the Ward about housing rights.

·         It was also felt that some communication with residents was necessary to inform them of escape routes especially in Council homes. If there were residents that did not feel safe, Councillor Chaplin advised them to contact the housing team or Councillors for advice.

·         Robert Bateman, Highways Officer read the number of penalty charge notices issued on certain roads in the ward. Councillors and residents further requested;

o   An overview of penalty notices given across the whole ward and the number of visits.

o   In addition, it was requested that further information be provided on the non-residents parking permit areas and a tally of hours spent on the non-permit roads.

o   Councillor Master noted that further enforcement recruitment was in progress.

·         A resident had concerns regarding illegal/ inconsiderate parking and bins left out on Devana Road.

·         Councillor Chaplin agreed that a patch walk would take place in the New Year with the City Warden which would include other roads not already walked.

·         A resident noted that his community group were trying to open up a community centre on Evington Valley Road, but were facing difficulties. The resident requested for a meeting to be held with the Ward Councillors.

·         Councillor Chaplin would look into the petition submitted on HMO’s and landlords.