Agenda item


The Acting Director of Public Health submits a report that presents the draft Revised Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019 – 2024. The submission is made in response to a recommendation from the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Commission that the strategy be presented to the Overview Select Committee to enhance the corporate ownership of the strategy.


The Overview Select Committee is asked to note the contents of the update and engage with and support the consultation process in January.


Councillor Porter left the meeting during the consideration of this item of business.


The Acting Director of Public Health submitted a report that presented the draft Revised Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy 2019-2024. The Committee heard that there was a focus in the report on preventative work and the report had been well received at the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Commission.


Members considered the report and comments made included the following:


·      The report was welcomed, however more smoking cessation sessions were needed in Beaumont Leys and the NHS appeared to be cutting back on them.


The Acting Director responded that smoking cessation was one of key areas where Public Health could improve people’s health and they were looking to offer services in more convenient places such as in Haymarket Health. A concern was raised that such sessions were needed in the areas where people lived as not everyone could come into the city centre.


·      A Member said that air quality in Leicester did not appear to have improved and questioned whether the Council could encourage increased use of electric vehicles and for example allow them to use bus lanes and give drivers of electric vehicles free parking. The Acting Director responded that air quality was a national and local issue. They were working with Sustrans and trying to encourage people to cycle and walk more. Public Health were very committed to working towards improving air quality and they were also working with colleagues in Highways and Transport services to do so.


·      It was noted that there was a reference to decent homes standards in the report, and concerns were expressed that there were many families living in overcrowded conditions which had a detrimental impact on their health. A request was made that consideration was given to the problem of overcrowding.


·      The Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Commissions said that health and wellbeing and the prevention agenda cut across all scrutiny portfolios and as such was everyone’s responsibility. All the health partners appreciated that the strategy was a very important piece of work.


·      The strategy was praised but it was questioned how it would be monitored. The Acting Director confirmed that there was an underlying infrastructure and they would be looking at key indicators as part of the monitoring.


·      A representative from the Youth Council referred to some work they were doing on supporting young people in the city and on issues relating to mental health, and he invited the Acting Director to take part as an expert witness. The Acting Director confirmed that he would be very pleased to participate in this work and he added that trying to ensure the right start for all young people was an integral part of the strategy.


·      A Member commented that there was a significant increase in drug use and anti-social behaviour in the Beaumont Leys Ward, which was spreading across the city and the Police appeared to be unable to cope. People felt intimidated and were afraid to leave their homes.  The Acting Director responded that social isolation and the fear of crime were linked, and the strategy made it clear that everyone needed to work together because all the partners had a role in delivering the health outcomes.


The Chair drew the discussion to a close and asked Members to note the strategy and the dates of the consultation period.



that the Revised Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and the dates of the consultation period be noted.

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