Agenda item


Councillor Connelly submits a report seeking Cabinet approval to continue and enhance the programme of investment in cultural services and informs the Cabinet of the required procedures, along with financial and legal implications, to implement the Leader’s Announcements made at Cabinet on 27 November 2004. The Cabinet is recommended to make a number of changes to Council Policy and to agree the mechanisms for making the changes set out in the report.


Members are asked to note that as part of this report, financial information relating to the disposal of properties is attached. These papers are marked ‘NOT FOR PUBLICATION’. The information in these papers is exempt as defined in paragraphs 7 and 9 of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, as amended. The information therefore must not be disclosed or discussed at the meeting. Should Members wish to refer to any of these details it is recommended that the meeting move into private session.


Councillor Draycott submitted a report seeking Cabinet’s approval to progress the programme of investment in cultural services and informed Members of Cabinet of the required procedures, along with financial and legal implications, to implement the Leader’s Announcements made at Cabinet on 29 November 2004.




(1)That charges for the use of public conveniences at all Leicester City Council owned and run facilities be abolished from Tuesday 21 December 2004,


(2)that the entrance charges for the Guildhall be abolished from Tuesday 21 December 2004,


(3)               that the Cabinet support the programme of disposals and investment in cultural services agreed to in principle by Cabinet on 15 March 2004 and 5 April 2004 and agree the following specific provisions:


(a)   that Officers continue to progress the disposal of the assets  identified at the Cabinet meeting of 15 March 2004 and that the proceeds be used for investment in Cultural Services and additionally, agree that authority to agree terms, enter contracts for sale, vary the assets  disposed of to maximise the benefit to the Council be delegated to the Corporate Director of Resources, in liaison with the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture and in consultation with the Cabinet Lead Members for Finance and Leisure,


(b)   approve an addition to the capital programme of £4.035m as described at Cabinet on 15 March 2004, this addition to be funded from ring fenced receipts and revenue contributions by the Regeneration and Culture  Department,


(c)   that the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture, in consultation with the Chief Finance Officer, can commit expenditure subject to reasonable assurance of the availability of sale proceeds (with any shortfall falling to the Cultural Services Department’s revenue account),


(d)   to note that, in accordance with the ‘Spend to Save’ rules, 7.5% will be charged to the department on any unfinanced expenditure prior to achievement of receipts,


(e)   to note that should any receipts from the disposal of the assets agreed in principle by the Cabinet on 15 March and 4 April 2004 exceed or fall short of the investment identified, a further report will be brought to Cabinet with options for the use of those receipts.


(4)               that the Council retain ownership of the Humberstone Park Café, protecting the interests of the existing tenant for the duration of their current lease,


(5)               that an additional £50,000 grant to the Leicester Regeneration Company (LRC) in the current financial year be approved, and provide a continuing uplift in grant to the LRC from 2005/06, provided the grant is matched by East Midlands Development Agency and English Partnerships and justified by the LRC’s performance against their business plan,


(6)               that, subject to budgetary provision being available in 2005/06, the Community (recreational) Transport scheme be reintroduced for groups and lunch clubs serving elderly and disabled residents, and delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Culture in consultation with the appropriate Cabinet Member to allow officers to start work and take decisions on this service reinstatement so that the new service can be operational within six months,


(7)               that, subject to budgetary provision being made available in 2005/06, pre 9.30am concessionary fares for the elderly from 1 April 2005 be reintroduced, and


(8)that Cabinet agree to increase the budget of Regeneration and Culture in the current year by £80,000 to meet the part year effect of the above, utilising savings from current budgets.

Supporting documents: